Another scumbag

I think you are reading our neighborhood anarchist wrong, j.c. I think the real issue is that this cop really had no right to even be questioning the camera man. There was not even a hint of suspicion of him doing something illegal, so that the cop had no reasonable suspicion. Really, no one has to answer any questions from an LEO. It is in the constitution, somewhere, I think it is the 5th amendment. I am certain that the legal thing is not o beat down someone that legally refuses to answer a question.
Also, Vegas has a history of covering up for their police officers that are not necessarily choir boys, and they have been caught repeatedly. Even if this LEO is Lilly white and pure, because of the history, he is auomatically tainted by others actions. It is just the way it is.
I was born and raised just south Of New Orleans where the cops used to rob and kill each other,so I know about bad cops.I was also in law enforcement for over 10 yrs so I also know about good cops.I also know when someone is baiting the cops to pay their bills.The cop should be reprimanded for being sucked into the guys plan.

I see it different,I see it from a cops view.Let's just say this guy is watching me the cop interrogating some burglary suspects and I notice he is just kinda wandering around close by for a long time.I being the cop want to know who this guy is.
Is he another suspect who is waiting to see what happens with his boys?
Is he a concerned citizen?
Is he a witness?
Who knows?
How do I find out?
I ask him right?
Ok do you live around here?
What are you doing here then?
Nothing,I'm just watching.
Now I'm suspicious and on guard.The person continues to be evasive and non compliant.Then things escalate from there to being physical.

This is the same thing as a neighborhood watch.You see something or someone that is suspicious and you question it.

I really don't care if the guy was doing anything wrong or not.I just wonder about the first thing out of his mouth was a lie an admitted lie,but we should not be concerned that he is a lieing pos.We need to jump to conclusions as to the cop being a pos.I also question that this is a huge police cover up, but the guy gets the tape back.The biggest and really only piece of evidence to back his story and they give it back to him?
So you are saying the PD should not have returned the tape that showed the cop was wrong? I understand the brotherhood thing, but really, if there were no charges pressed, and the police kept the tape, I would think that would be illegal.
J.C. first I want to apologize for the "head up the ass" thing. I am just more than a little fired up about this.

I'm not encouraging disbanding the police. I am encouraging the firing of all scumbag police.

You've proven by your posts that it's a good thing you are no longer a cop. You don't seem to think there's anything wrong with this cop putting hands on this man just because he wouldn't "comply" by turning off his camera.

Most cops don't think there was anything wrong with it.

A good start in this country would be to ask every cop if it was proper for this cop to take down the guy with the camera - every one that answers yes should be immediately fired. To answer yes means that you don't have the temperament to serve the community. To answer yes means that you think it's ok for you to assault a citizen who has committed no crime just because he won't do what you say.

We don't live in a police state.

The police should be respected and honored. Until they start honoring the office by refusing to lie and speaking up when one of their own does something wrong they will not be respected by me or the majority of the citizenry.

You do have to agree with me to be right. We live under the constitution of the United States. That constitution says that we have the right against unreasonable searches and seizures AND the right to life and liberty. This man was denied both liberty (detained) and seizure of property (camera) for nothing more than standing there filming.

If you want to be right, move to a country where that is not the law of the land. Maybe you would like interaction with the Mexican police where they are allowed to do as they please.
No I don't agree with police brutality.If they did it they should go to jail.

I also didn't say they should take the tape I'm trying to say if the cop did something wrong and he knew it was wrong then why did he give the tape back.Where did it say the tape showed brutality?The guy said this blank part of the tape with him yelling must have been when the cop was beating him.It never saifd the tape showed anything.The cop is the only one in this that is guilty until he proves himself innocent in your eyes.This guy is trying to make a buck.If he can't sell the tape or the tape shows the cop was in the right to do what he did so what he moves on.The cop on the othe hand will always have this incident on his record as being the officer that was accused of brutality it the past.His record is smeared the other guy just moves on to the next thing.

My view is we automatically are against the cop not the other guy.What's on the tape?If the proof is there fire the cop,put him in jail.If not then the other guy needs to go to jail for lieing.

I'm not standing up for any bad cops,but where is the benefit of the doubt for the police?They don't get to be innocent beyond a reasonable doubt do they?

As far as your beliefs Tony I could care less what you think of my not being a cop.You have obviously had some bad dealing with the law ebforcement community.I will guarantee one thing though when you NEED a cop regardless of your views on them they will come to your aid.
JC, I think it's a cultural issue. Tony has posted some repulsive cop activity in the past. You might have to take this in a larger context. In our part of the country we have had a little more luck with LEO's. You mentioned an exception, NOLA, which is oddly similar to Vegas when you consider the "party town" aspect that attracts people from around the world to engage in "sin"!
I grew up with many of the cops in my town, or my friends did. It's rare I meet a police that I don't know or that, who I'm with, doesn't know. It's likely similar for you.
The things I've seen Tony post in the past have been hard to stomach, and I share his animosity with his local law enforcement. With that, I don't see me living in, or even visiting Vegas until the city changes... I think the people have elected their govt. and are "getting theirs'". Perhaps someday they will learn their lesson!
I can understand this being just one more thing for Tony to add to a long list. As for me, this single story, even if it happened to my neighbor, I would likely support the police. The man sent a certified letter requesting a rough arrest! But, if my local police had a history, I would add this to the list...
I remember in my short lifetime, cops used to help stalled cars (jump starts, out of gas, accidents,...). Now, if you break down on the road, you hope you can remedy it before a cop arrives...cause their going to write you a ticket...just what you need, you know the repair alone just isn't expensive enough!
I've helped countless people push their stalled car out of the road right in front of cops that are running speed traps or just parked window to window, talking. My impression went from, "cops are their to help", to "cops are there to keep people inline"! Yet, I still have a little more respect for them than Tony.
I too have read the many anti-police rants from Tony and have in fact personally argued my points with him at RT's across the country a few times. That being said, Tony is a man of his convictions, even if I or others believe that he is off base or biased to some degree. I work in law enforcement and will say that I do not see and experience the things that Tony speaks of in my part of the country. There are always going to be rotten apples that spoil the bunch, but that phase is not only idemic to law enforcement, it is every profession that exists. How many hack "pressure washers" are out there that do not do the right thing?? It gives a bad label to the profesion on a grand scale regardless of the good deeds of many who may volunteer to wash their church or do some other good things.
The difficult thing about law enforcement is that decisions to act and how are made in milliseconds under conditions of sometimes extreme stress which causes physical abnormailities in the body. Those split second decisions are then judged by the many monday morning quarterbacks where they have months to theorize about the cause of the course of action taken. It is non-sense. Walk a mile in the shoes of a street cop before judging them, many people have no idea how difficult the job can actually be sometimes. Alot of times, there are no winners in what happens. Lifes are ruined or ended on both sides. In this world, there is a risk of unintended outcomes and that is a fact. NO ONE HERE ON EARTH IS PERFECT!
Happy Easter to all!
Tony is just mad because they harassed him in a gay bar a few years back.

There's good and bad cops. I had them in my home town. Kids that got picked on or were obnoxious many became cops and some were real jerks and used their power to start with people.

I was beaten by 5 cops once. Never raised a hand but one that was known for abuse (and later fired) told me to get against a wall and as soon as I was cuffed he started punching me, I went down to protect myself and 4 other cops jumped in punching me & standing on me and two others watched it went on for about 2 minutes. ( I was 20 something having a fight with a girlfriend not physical only verbal, well the people who called the cops on me were yelling to leave me alone I didnt do anything. They grabbed them by the arm and told them to go inside or go to jail too. It wasnt until a cop that grew up next to me as kids came in that the madness stopped. I was pretty beat up and went to jail. They had 7 A&B & 7 A&B with dangerous and SEVERAL other minor charges
I got a court appointed and later hired my own lawyer. That day I told the court appointed I wanted to bring charges against all the cops. We did! At the arraignment they read the police report, it sounded like I was a mad man beating the cops. I never raised a hand. The judge even said " You know son this is what they call throwing the book at you"

A week or so later a cop that I knew came up to me and said drop the charges against the police and they will drop theirs. I told him as soon as they drop theirs I will drop mine. I later got stopped by a Lt who became the police chief years later and he said the smae thing. (side note...that chief later was fired and arrestted for messing with young boys..true story)

I got my new hired lawyer kept wanting to make deals with the prosecutor which would of had me plead to a couple simple assualts. I would not and said take it to trial. We went in for a conference at court and he still kept saying for me to make a deal. I would not and told him to do his job and told him to tell these cops I was coming after them in criminal and civil court. I told him I would takke Disorderly and thats it and it all would be dropped
They came back finnaly and said OK YESSSSSS. We went in front the entire court and they read the charges, they also read the least bad police report and then the prosecutor said they were dropping all the charges except Disorderly

The judge looked at the DA then asked if all the officers were in court. They were not. He told the DA that he wanted them all in court within a couple hours.

We all went back in there were 6 or 7 cops all sitting in the back row. They read the charges and then the judge asked all officers involved to stand up. He asked them all do they agree with dropping all the charges. They all hung their heads and said yes. He then said I am getting a message and the officers should get the message too. They sat down and the judge told me to stand. He said Mr. LeCours you are free to go.
I got all charges dismissed. I went through a lot, I never should have been fighting with my girl at the time but cops shouldnt beat people just because they think they can. Then they shouldnt try to cover up for each other. I have never been an angel and I will take whats coming to me, but I will also fight when I have been wronged. These cops even out of control when it was all over should of just let me go, but they wanted to be a holes and they ended up looking like azzes and I ended up being out a few thousand dollars

One of those cops have been fired, two others I actually like very much before I left my hometwon, they grew up and actually became good helpful cops the others I dont know. I have a couple other cases were I fought and won. I do realize you get a bad name, bad things can come to you, but I guess thats the same with cops

We need the police, need then very badly in this day and time, but they sould be held to the highest standards.

I cannot crucify cops, they put up with the scum of the world and if I was a cop I would probably be a very bad one, I'd probably shot or beat the dirtbags that came my way. Thats why I think training and continuous training is needed. Vagas New Orleans and for a time LA Cali have been known to be real bad cops throughout the system and they should start at the top to stop the problem. We need good cops and God bless the good ones, they sure arent doing it to get rich
Mike, you've repeated it more than once now and I'll take your word for it when you say that you don't see that kind of thing where you are from. I think I told you about what opened my eyes to what really goes on.

It happened over 20 years ago. I was in a large city that doesn't take kindly to concealed weapons. I was a licensed private investigator who not only had a concealed weapons permit in the state of my residence at that time, but also had a permit in Northern California which put me in an elite group of less than 500 who had permits at that time.

We were travelling through this large city and took time to have a drink and some food at a bar/restaurant downtown. My friend (also a licensed investigator w/ permit) had over $3k cash on him for the trip that we didn't want to leave at the hotel or in the car so we kept that and the weapons on us. (A constitutional right).

I knew carrying the guns was breaking their local (unconstitutional) law. I had previously looked it up and it was a misdemeanor with a $750 fine. I made the decision that I would rather part with $750 on the remote chance I was caught with a gun rather than part with $3000 or my life in a robbery. I still stand behind that decision. It was the logical decision.

As we were walking back to the car a man approached us selling necklaces. He pulled a switcharoo on my friend and stole the gold necklace off his neck and ran. We chased him and as we got closer he dropped it and we picked it up and started walking back to our car. As we were chasing him another street vendor who saw us running asked if we were cops. (he had seen my friend's gun in his waistband under his suit coat when we were running) We told him to mind his own business. Turns out this guy was a street narc. He ran over to a police car and told them we had just robbed him at gunpoint and stolen $61.00 cash from him. (along with the the necklace he saw us pick up from the ground.) Within seconds we were surrounded.

We complied, informed them we had weapons and directed them to our id's, licenses, and CCW permits.

To our knowledge we were being stopped because someone saw us running with the weapons in our waistbands. We were both ready to pay the $750 and be on our way.

When we got to the station our belongings were taken. The smallest bill we had between us was a $20. The detective that questioned us came into the room and told them to bag $61 in evidence. When they told him there weren't any $1's in our possession they took 5 minutes breaking a $20 right in front of us and made a point to show us how they now had the $61 we "stole" in evidence, just like the guy said. They told us they were going to make an example of us for coming into their town with guns. (again, a constitutional right)

That moment changed my life. From that point on I began to observe any and all police interaction with at least the fine tooth comb of skepticism instead of just simply "taking their word". I found that this kind of thing is accepted in the police community because their superiority complex makes them think that the ends justify the means and EVERY citizen is a potential criminal.

Since then I have found myself getting involved when I see police interaction. I get involved on a local basis. I campaign for the local cop who is running for sheriff against the azzhole murder accomplice we have now. The cop running against the current sheriff is a 15 yr veteran of the streets in the bad part of town. She is a firm believer in open carry rights and believes our current "gun registration" requirement is unconstitutional. I have seen her interactions and she treats every human being with respect even when being spit on and humiliated. That's a public servant. If we had even 60% of our force like that instead of pumped up on steroids bullying for a fight our entire city would give them 100% support. Instead all they do is berate the public.

Last year they killed Erik Scott at Costco. Just look him up, it's a long story. He was an upstanding citizen with no record doing nothing but shopping with his concealed weapon in his pants. From the time they yelled at him to "FREEZE" - "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND" - "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS" to the time they shot him 6 times from three different angles was 4 seconds. ...... 4 seconds. And as another punch in the face to his family they announced in the newspaper that two of the murderers are receiving national "officer of the year" awards this year.

It's time to purge the nation of these scumbags and put them back where they belong walking around industrial sites at night in their fancy little security guard uniforms.....unarmed of course.
Mike, I'm sure there are lots of good cops that would never do things like this. The problem is they won't stand up and get rid of the bad ones. Also they need to live on the other side for a while before they become cops. The idea of putting 20 year olds on the street is ridiculous. This can be accomplished in the military because there is a strict chain of command and accountability. Abu Garaib is an example of what happens when there is no immediate accountability.

There is a book called "Black Box" and a movie made about the book called "The experiment". It is a true story about a Stanford study in 1971 where they paid some guys to be either guards or prisoners for 14 days. They were given instructions but no supervision, just watched remotely from cameras. It only took 6 days to degenerate into assault, abuse, and even sexual assault as the guards became drunk with this newfound power. That's what happens when the emotionally immature are put in places of authority. Unfortunately this early entry into authority seems to stunt their growth and the one's who are unfit never grow to the point of being fit. These need to be purged from the police departments nationwide.

If we, as a nation stood up and demanded the rights given to us by our founding fathers. (such as "where there is no victim, there is no crime") we could deal with a much smaller police force.

We could throw the book at those who cause accidents by speeding instead of having officers hide behind every tree with radar guns.

We could jail the drug addict who steals to get drugs instead of using undercover officers to arrest people who just want to get high in their own homes.

We could jail those who abuse women instead of wasting time and resources planting fake hookers on the street to arrest Johns (that would keep a lot of cops and judges out of court too)

If we went back to our roots in this country we could eliminate half the police force and be more choosy as to with whom we trust authority.
All of the things that you describe are societal problems in this country. Abuse of power is nothing new, in any line of work... how do most politicians become instant millionaires? There are Federal laws and state laws. There are constitutional provisions by which the people are governed which at times conflict with local or federal law. There are ordinances that go too far into peoples personal lives, yet all of these things are done on the principal that "its for the greater good." The right to carry a firearm is a big debate and there are pro's and con's. In this society, people in general should be able to carry a gun as I see it since the criminals that prey on the unprotected would find themselves in quite the predicament if people in general were carrying weapons to defend themselves.
The police are the first line of defense for the people in this country. When there is an emergency that most people run from, the cops run to it. No one is saying that all police are perfect by any means, but a few stories over the course of a year that get national attention are such a minute fraction compared to the calls during which there is a positive outcome. The media does an excellent job of putting out the negative publicity because it drives the ratings. This is not any means of fair and balanced news, but it is what we get. Society is degrading very rapidly and there is a huge spike in violent crimes lately or at least the trends seem to be showing that. The number of police officers getting killed on duty is climbing at an alarming rate.
I don't know how to post the articles on here, but I know of some nice news stories.. Someone I work with was on the news for saving an elderly womans life the other day when we responded to a medical call for a person choking. I don't believe that most cops go to work with the thought that they can wait to shoot someone or kick the s*&t out of someone.
I understand your passionate about the subject, but be an advocate for the positive to make a change instead of ranting about it on the net. This will not change a thing here, just cause more time in debating lost where someone could be out doing some good.
Again, Happy Easter!
Tony sure does put up some interesting threads. What he says sometimes I wish this country could do which is go back in time and as he says follow what the Forfathers have written. Thats the wish and good for Tony to take that stance. Somebody has to. On a different note I wish Tony can be briefed on some things that us "Cops" are of what is and potentially can happen. Over here there are security threats all the time. There are also scammers popping up left and right especially when it comes to lawsuits and Insurance. Home Invasions are on the rise and its expected to get worse because the Economy is heading for the Toilet which leads me to that Video of that Cop arrestiing the guy with the Camara.

I look at that Video as the Guy seeing an opportunity to make some money if someone was to screw up especially the Police Dep't. We are told that those guys are out there. That Guy I think said he was Video taping the Cops because he wanted to get on Video the Burg suspects that were in the RMP so he could show his neighbors. I'm pretty sure that was in there somewhere even though I still look at it that the guy was up to no good in the first place. Yes I could be a little Bias on this because we allready know those guys are out there.

Whats missing here is another point. If the guy is telling the truth what happens to those suspects who are released because they are no longer suspects. This guy didn't care. He's condemning them as Guilty if his story is true. Thats where I see part of the problem is. This guys story has a huge hole in it. He is looking for trouble and he found it. He ran into the "Wrong cop"...or in his case the "Right cop" because he bated him right in by lying and then taking advantage of the cops Heighten state with dealing with Burg suspects and the rest now is history.

The Cop will and maybe should be fired if found guilty and the "Guy".... looks like he got what he wanted. A lawsuit for the tax payers to make him millions which falls right back on Tony's lap.

Family's calling. Happy Easter.
You guys are giving me some hope. PWI is already a place where people give without expecting anything in return so I should have expected that it would draw the best from each industry including the police force.

I know you guys have to deal with the scum of the earth. Your calling is higher than that of most professions and calls for a temperament that can quickly separate the sheep from the goats - giving some of the goats a pass, so as not to oppress the sheep when they've done nothing wrong.

I hope you guys will at least think about the impact bad cops have on the community and use that to help you make the right decision when given a choice between reporting a scumbag or letting it go.

Thanks guys, I'm proud to be friends with all of you.
You guys are giving me some hope. PWI is already a place where people give without expecting anything in return so I should have expected that it would draw the best from each industry including the police force.

I know you guys have to deal with the scum of the earth. Your calling is higher than that of most professions and calls for a temperament that can quickly separate the sheep from the goats - giving some of the goats a pass, so as not to oppress the sheep when they've done nothing wrong.

I hope you guys will at least think about the impact bad cops have on the community and use that to help you make the right decision when given a choice between reporting a scumbag or letting it go.

Thanks guys, I'm proud to be friends with all of you.
Right back at ya Tony. Here's an odd story for ya thats not the norm but it involved almost all Cops. Years Ago when I was NYPD I worked in a bad area right smack in the area where the Crack epidemic and Aids was running rampant. This is around 1987. I worked in Bedford Styvesant Brooklyn NY. I've been a few places around the world when I was in the Navy and saw some what I thought was bad Shizz with some people looked like they may have had leprosy. Yup Leprosy which I thought was pretty much a thing of the ancient past.....Then I end up in this precinct which is Brooklyn North. A big time "A" house which means its as bad as it gets. Homicides where all around you. Crack Heads walked the streets like Zombies and the Ladies of the night were mostly junkies and some were toothless. One of them Had a Pen stuck right dead center in her eye and acted like it was nothing. I forced her to get in the RMP and took her to the hospital---thats another story for another day. Us Cops were told to stay away from the abandon Bldgs especially the ones with sheets or whatever covering the basement area's/ Being young and dumb or crazy I went in there once with my partner just to walk around and see whats going on. There were crack heads all over the place. There was a few young teenagers in there and they had needles hanging off them and had open lesions that you just can imagine. One girl had to be no more then 15 was naked in there with a syringe stabbed into her private area. She had lesions all thru out her body that were wide open where the skin was gone. She was the dirt. They were all like Zombies and if there was a hell on earth...this was it.

So because I came from that area every now and then many cops were assigned certain details and they were grouped off. One such detail was a Micheal Jackson Concert at Madison Square Garden in NY city. Each group of cops were assigned certain area's. The Brooklyn North Cops which I was were considered the out cast amongst NYPD because of the area's we worked were shizz holes so we were kept the furthest away from Royalty if your catching my drift.

So many blocks away from this concert where walking around in Uniform and I hear a Cop Scream across the street. I see him down on the ground and a Junkie on top of him attacking him and biting him continously. Me and this other Brooklyn North Cop run over and go to pull this Junkie off the Cop. The Junkie wont loosen his bite even though where trying to get him to stop......soooo.. Now the cop I was with is holding his legs and I began to stump his Nuts. We keep doing this until the junkie finally stops biting. Suddenly I feel other cops pulling me off the Junkie and now I get there wrath. They tell me "We don't do that here". Even though the other cop had major bites on him and at the time there was a fear you could get aids like that these Cops said we went over the line. No Video camera's there and if there was there probably would have been trouble. The Cop was bleeding like a siv and the Junkie was laying there and laughing. He was dead of feelings.

So me and this other cop argue with the cops that pulled us off and we go to leave. I tell them the cop on the ground was thankful we were there instead of these cops because being diplomatic at times does not work and in this case it never would have and bleep u guys.

So what would you do?? Different times and different area's and different situations you never know what can happened and today I would do what ever it took to help that Cop and if the "Nut job" person was video taping this the whole story would have been twisted by the media and they would make it the poor guy who was biting the Cop was Homeless and these other cops beat him senseless. Remember I said the Junkie was laughing....Camara does not always tell the truth so don't always be fooled by what you see.
John, the situation you described sounds like more BS where the cops are more concerned about the "perception" than they are about what is right.

That's the problem. The punk biting on the cop needed to be beat down. He was abusing a VICTIM (the cop) and God has given the power of governments to uphold the law for VICTIMS. And that includes the death penalty if a criminal poses an ongoing threat or if he has deliberately committed murder in a premeditated manner.

Unfortunately the cops who got on your case were more concerned with appearances than they were with justice and doing their jobs.

That's why guys like this one who beat up the camera guy do what they do. Under the cloak of darkness when there are no witnesses they do as they please without any regard to their job or their responsibility. That's because they've been trained to be careful about "appearances" rather than simply to impose justice.

Part of this is because they have too many rules to enforce. C.S Lewis said:

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

When EVERYONE is made a criminal via laws that criminalize not wearing a seatbelt, speeding without accidents involved, drug use, driving without a "license" (did George Washington have to have a license to ride his horse anywhere in the land he wanted?) and various other "victimless" crimes then EVERYONE is a potential target for the police to "beat down" because virtually ALL of them are criminals in the mind of the police. It has probably been pushed all the way back into the subconscious of most officers but the reality is they seem to believe EVERYONE has something to hide.

It eventually becomes tyranny that is even worst than that of a king according to C.S. Lewis. There is no other path for it to follow.

The answer is to first make the guilty officers pay and show them that this type of disdain for the populace will not be tolerated while simultaneously taking back our rights via the legislatures.
I had a son that lived in Bed-Stuy, as a missionary. He was blown away by the junkies on the stoops, and all the other stuff he saw. He had occasions where he would be confronted by gang members, and since he was a preacher man, they would escort them to, and wait with them at the bus stop out of the area. They would then inform them that if they absolutely must go into that area at night, to call them for protection, and gave my son their cell phone number. This was about three years ago.
I had a son that lived in Bed-Stuy, as a missionary. He was blown away by the junkies on the stoops, and all the other stuff he saw. He had occasions where he would be confronted by gang members, and since he was a preacher man, they would escort them to, and wait with them at the bus stop out of the area. They would then inform them that if they absolutely must go into that area at night, to call them for protection, and gave my son their cell phone number. This was about three years ago.

Do or Die Bed-stuy has changed alot in the years Scott. I still would not recommend your son to go out at night unless he has some type of protection. When I was there it was hell. Some cops were killed just to be killed because of these Crack dealers. Its inevitable that you just have to have Law Enforcement and there is no way around that. This is not Heaven...and sometimes it can seem like Hell. Hard to answer Tony's questions because there is no cut or dry answer. Its kind of like getting shot at in VN and now its time to go to the rule book on how to respond. In the street sometimes the rule books go out the window as in anything in life under complete duress. You kind of have to be in it to see what the deal is. Cops should be held at a higher standard for sure but being human they'll never be robotic and no where near perfect. Take them away and the Bad will take over the good because the bad will kill and kill again. You need a front line of defense and its the cops and there not perfect.
We are not the enemy but you would think so if you listen to some of the activist out there. There is just as many bad cops % wise as there are bad Powerwashers etc. Its the law of averages and no trade is above it all....even in religion.

OK back to work for me. Go get them "Tony the Tiger".... You may have been screwed before...BUT... you just never still may need a cop one day to save your life.