another night in paradise...

Many of my contracts are with government entities at this time. They specify no weapons.
but, that being said, that is not what keeps me from carrying. Every time when I have been in this type of situation, it is something that I have walked up on, or was a victim of circumstance, and not the original target. I am not huge like a lot of you, anymore. I am 6 foot 200 lbs. Call me Joe Average. If I see no quick escape, I usually start talking to them, and ask them about their gun. Usually, I am trying to get them laughing, and usually succeed. The object for me is to keep them distracted so that they dont want to ventilate me. If there is a quick exit, I am very good about finding it if I need to.

If I was carrying, I think that would automatically escalate the situation and put them in a very defensive posture, to the point of not even allowing me to work my way out of the situation. If I am unarmed, unless they are very, very bad people, I can usually get them to take their guard down. It is a matter of having a cool head, not showing nervousness, and getting them to think that you are on their side. Heck, I have even held the door open for them as they were making a getaway.

I guess it is a differing philosophy on how to deal with the situation.

You really spend that much time disecting a situation that may take your life. I know people shot for $5bucks. Sorry i want to go home at night, thanks to our past governer JEB Bush i dont have to run away from some piece $hit who is trying to rob me or kill me for a few bucks.

I would have no problem with deadly force if needed, we have been involved in the middle of $hit plenty of times over 15 years of night work in some pretty seedy areas of Tampa Bay, and being from N.Y. where it is almost impossible to get a CWP i am very happy that i am able to protect my life and my workers and equipment.
i think many people get 'lulled to sleep' because they are in Florida ?
They are 'on guard' in NYC or Detroit, but this is 'Florida'.
There are crackheads here in Florida that will gladly end someones existence, for a 20 dollar rock.
They see a guy working alone with P/W equipment at night, he is 'fair game'
As a roof cleaner, nights are not my gig.
But I KNOW several pressure washers packing heat who are great guys.
It is called SURVIVAL in Tampa.
Nick, you KNOW what the bad parts of Tampa are like, PLUS, you work in South Florida, bad there too:(
Ruger just came out with a nice very small 380, the LCP, its something you can cary in any pair of shorts (standard uniform in Tucson).

Also I like to take the 'bum chaser' (DOG) to the bad 'hoods.

How do you post a picture?
Me too, it looks kind of like the little girl may have went potty in her clothes, notice way "mommy:, and i hesitate too call her that, is trying to wash her little butt and clothes off.
Still, you dont pressure wash a kid :mad:
Sure it may take my life, but at this point, it has not. You need to remember, I have never been the target. Sure there are nuts out there that will shoot me for $5, but think about this, If they were going to shoot me, for $5, do you think that they would shoot me when I was looking at them, and noticing what was going on? Or would they be more likely to sneak up on me, since most are cowards anyways, and try to attack me from behind? If that is the case, they will have a serious advantage, and no weapon is going to protect you. So, with my theory, I usually catch them off guard, since I am not running in fear, and quite often get to their side or in another area where I am not vulnerable. I have really been doing this 18 years, and though there have been things that have cropped up, and a few people have had to experience the feel of concrete on their back, there is nothing that a gun would have helped make a better situation.
Me too, it looks kind of like the little girl may have went potty in her clothes, notice way "mommy:, and i hesitate too call her that, is trying to wash her little butt and clothes off.
Still, you dont pressure wash a kid :mad:

True confessions, I have seen some diapers, that were very, very tempting...
The KelTec starts @ $325.

I have a Bersa 380 that is slightly larger than the KelTec cost is about $30 less.

Yep, looked at the Kel-tec P3AT that Ash posted. Then I looked at the new Ruger LCP. Couldn't find the LCP in stock, it's out of stock everywhere within 150 miles of Atlanta.
Then, I discovered the Bersa 380. I wanted a 2nd gun that was to be used just for concealment and that's when I found the Bersa 380 CC. What a great little gun it has been!


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If that were my child,,,,,,,she would be begging her for forgiveness,,,,with swollen shut eyes, and fat lips!!!!!!!! You know even though she's not mine I still would love to make HER tell that child she is sorry... No child deserves that, Children are our future if we don't change the way we are (as a whole ) its only gonna get worse.