Ya I spend some bucks there. But hey I used this lift on 2 different jobs, save money wherever I canThe rental shop loves you don't they Jeff? I hope you got a big Christmas gift from them!
Better be careful Jeff. Your gonna wear out that X-Jet. LOL... Great job on the pressure washing. That building looks brand new. I see why they were happy.
I use so many different size lifts I'd have to buy one of each. I actually thought in the past to buy a 40, but then you need the huge flatbed to trailer it around and insurance, blah, blah blah. Just stay with Sunbelt for now, they give me some great pricing. They try to inch up pricing every once in a while, but they gave up, they dont want to listen to me bitch & raise heck LOL. They really work with me well getting lifts moved when I need them.Jeff you need to go ahead and break down and buy a 60 ft lift. you must have the lift rental company on a permanant retainer.
1 short day.Nice job, how long did it take you?
Jeff, when is your busy season? Or is it pretty spread out?