Tony, I grew up in North Carolina and worked in a very PC Fire Department. I know what racism is. I have read your previous posts and think that you are a stand up guy. However, you are right, I don't truly know anyone here, so opinions are based off of comments that are posted. I think that if you read them in an unbiased manner you would see that they are more than jokes. I have seen people fired at the department for saying comments like the ones above, and they were joking also. I guess I am just saying "tread lightly".
Thanks, I hope anybody who's known me for a while knows I'm not racist. I don't agree with reparatations either. I think that's what's wrong with this country now.
Everybody wants reparations for something. And the reason your guys at the station couldn't say anything they are given the right by the constitution to say is because the city was afraid it would have to give up "reparations" to anyone who might be offended by it.
Notice how fast "climate change" is fading away with economic hardships. There was a time when "All in the Family" was funny. It dealt with stereotypes on both side and it was funny. Then all the sudden it was racist. What was the difference? Too much time on our hands. The economy became so good we started looking around for things to sue for out of boredom.
On the other hand I'll back up any man's right to be as racist as he wants. Just as long as it doesn't do others any physical harm.
We could have stayed in Philadelphia, Miss. if we didn't think we were going to be murdered. I think the spitting was over the line. But people talking about us would just have to be tough crap for us. That's just talk and I'll back up any man's right to talk about as much racism as he wants.
He has the right to try to convince as many others to be racist as he wants. That's the country we live in.
Silence that, then what's next? Bad Preachin'? Political views that don't fit the mold? The last time this country tried that we had a revolutionary war and the government we have now was created.
BTW, don't know if you're married or not, but the way my sister and my wife talk about firemen being what God meant when he said he created man "in his own image", I thought I'd let you know that my sister turned out to be a stone fox and is now living in Sanford, NC and was widowed a few years ago.

I will warn you though, she's 40 and she likes them between 22 and 30.

I have no idea why.