And So, It Begins : The Obamanation!


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Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act (Introduced in House)
HR 40 IH
<center>111th CONGRESS</center> <center>1st Session</center> <center>H. R. 40</center> To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
<center>IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES</center> <center>January 6, 2009</center>

Mr. CONYERS (for himself and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
<hr> <center>A BILL</center> To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
  • Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
  • This Act may be cited as the `Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act'.
  • (a) Findings- The Congress finds that--
    • (1) approximately 4,000,000 Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and colonies that became the United States from 1619 to 1865;
    • (2) the institution of slavery was constitutionally and statutorily sanctioned by the Government of the United States from 1789 through 1865;
    • (3) the slavery that flourished in the United States constituted an immoral and inhumane deprivation of Africans' life, liberty, African citizenship rights, and cultural heritage, and denied them the fruits of their own labor; and
    • (4) sufficient inquiry has not been made into the effects of the institution of slavery on living African-Americans and society in the United States.
  • (b) Purpose- The purpose of this Act is to establish a commission to--
    • (1) examine the institution of slavery which existed from 1619 through 1865 within the United States and the colonies that became the United States, including the extent to which the Federal and State Governments constitutionally and statutorily supported the institution of slavery;
    • (2) examine de jure and de facto discrimination against freed slaves and their descendants from the end of the Civil War to the present, including economic, political, and social discrimination;
    • (3) examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the discrimination described in paragraph (2) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States;
    • (4) recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission's findings;
    • (5) recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission's findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1) and (2); and
    • (6) submit to the Congress the results of such examination, together with such recommendations.
  • (a) Establishment- There is established the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Commission').
  • (b) Duties- The Commission shall perform the following duties:
    • (1) Examine the institution of slavery which existed within the United States and the colonies that became the United States from 1619 through 1865. The Commission's examination shall include an examination of--
      • (A) the capture and procurement of Africans;
      • (B) the transport of Africans to the United States and the colonies that became the United States for the purpose of enslavement, including their treatment during transport;
      • (C) the sale and acquisition of Africans as chattel property in interstate and instrastate commerce; and
      • (D) the treatment of African slaves in the colonies and the United States, including the deprivation of their freedom, exploitation of their labor, and destruction of their culture, language, religion, and families.
    • (2) Examine the extent to which the Federal and State governments of the United States supported the institution of slavery in constitutional and statutory provisions, including the extent to which such governments prevented, opposed, or restricted efforts of freed African slaves to repatriate to their homeland.
    • (3) Examine Federal and State laws that discriminated against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
    • (4) Examine other forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
    • (5) Examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States.
    • (6) Recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission's findings.
    • (7) Recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission's findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4). In making such recommendations, the Commission shall address among other issues, the following questions:
      • (A) Whether the Government of the United States should offer a formal apology on behalf of the people of the United States for the perpetration of gross human rights violations on African slaves and their descendants.
      • (B) Whether African-Americans still suffer from the lingering effects of the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4).
      • (C) Whether, in consideration of the Commission's findings, any form of compensation to the descendants of African slaves is warranted.
      • (D) If the Commission finds that such compensation is warranted, what should be the amount of compensation, what form of compensation should be awarded, and who should be eligible for such compensation.
  • (c) Report to Congress- The Commission shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Congress not later than the date which is one year after the date of the first meeting of the Commission held pursuant to section 4(c).
  • (a) Number and Appointment- (1) The Commission shall be composed of 7 members, who shall be appointed, within 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, as follows:
    • (A) Three members shall be appointed by the President.
    • (B) Three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    • (C) One member shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate.
  • (2) All members of the Commission shall be persons who are especially qualified to serve on the Commission by virtue of their education, training, or experience, particularly in the field of African-American studies.
  • (b) Terms- The term of office for members shall be for the life of the Commission. A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect the powers of the Commission, and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
  • (c) First Meeting- The President shall call the first meeting of the Commission within 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, or within 30 days after the date on which legislation is enacted making appropriations to carry out this Act, whichever date is later.
  • (d) Quorum- Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may hold hearings.
  • (e) Chair and Vice Chair- The Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The term of office of each shall be for the life of the Commission.
  • (f) Compensation- (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), each member of the Commission shall receive compensation at the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, for each day, including travel time, during which he or she is engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Commission.
  • (2) A member of the Commission who is a full-time officer or employee of the United States or a Member of Congress shall receive no additional pay, allowances, or benefits by reason of his or her service to the Commission.
  • (3) All members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties to the extent authorized by chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
  • (a) Hearings and Sessions- The Commission may, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, hold such hearings and sit and act at such times and at such places in the United States, and request the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers, and documents, as the Commission considers appropriate. The Commission may request the Attorney General to invoke the aid of an appropriate United States district court to require, by subpoena or otherwise, such attendance, testimony, or production.
  • (b) Powers of Subcommittees and Members- Any subcommittee or member of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action which the Commission is authorized to take by this section.
  • (c) Obtaining Official Data- The Commission may acquire directly from the head of any department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive branch of the Government, available information which the Commission considers useful in the discharge of its duties. All departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the executive branch of the Government shall cooperate with the Commission with respect to such information and shall furnish all information requested by the Commission to the extent permitted by law.
  • (a) Staff- The Commission may, without regard to section 5311(b) of title 5, United States Code, appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as the Commission considers appropriate.
  • (b) Applicability of Certain Civil Service Laws- The staff of the Commission may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that the compensation of any employee of the Commission may not exceed a rate equal to the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code.
  • (c) Experts and Consultants- The Commission may procure the services of experts and consultants in accordance with the provisions of section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent of the highest rate payable under section 5332 of such title.
  • (d) Administrative Support Services- The Commission may enter into agreements with the Administrator of General Services for procurement of financial and administrative services necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission. Payment for such services shall be made by reimbursement from funds of the Commission in such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Chairman of the Commission and the Administrator.
  • (e) Contracts- The Commission may--
    • (1) procure supplies, services, and property by contract in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts; and
    • (2) enter into contracts with departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, State agencies, and private firms, institutions, and agencies, for the conduct of research or surveys, the preparation of reports, and other activities necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission, to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts.
  • The Commission shall terminate 90 days after the date on which the Commission submits its report to the Congress under section 3(c).
  • To carry out the provisions of this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated $8,000,000.
Thanks to Michelle Malkin for picking up on this...

Unbelievably (or maybe not), Robert Reich, Obama's economic adviser had this to say about where stimulus money should go:


"It’s a two-fer: lots of new jobs, and investments in the nation’s future productivity.

But if there aren’t enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most — women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed — will be shut out."

You can read the rest of his drivel at

What a slap in the fact to those white males who are out of jobs because their government, who should be promoting the attitude "America First", is selling them out to the glee of illegal alien invaders who are gladly taking their jobs, are getting paid cash, and relying on you and me to foot their social services bill.

I want to know what you think! Visit
Thanks to Michelle Malkin for picking up on this...

Unbelievably (or maybe not), Robert Reich, Obama's economic adviser had this to say about where stimulus money should go:


"It’s a two-fer: lots of new jobs, and investments in the nation’s future productivity.

But if there aren’t enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most — women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed — will be shut out."

You can read the rest of his drivel at

What a slap in the fact to those white males who are out of jobs because their government, who should be promoting the attitude "America First", is selling them out to the glee of illegal alien invaders who are gladly taking their jobs, are getting paid cash, and relying on you and me to foot their social services bill.

I want to know what you think! Visit

Jim do what I did, I emailed all my congressmen and the Whitehouse twice. I'll find the email, but it basically said that jobs that are created from the stimulas should go to legal American workers. I spoke of the huge influx of illegals in my area and many/most construction sites were filled with the illegals and if this happens with the stimulas money i will place my vote with those who support AMERICAN workers, not illegals who send much of their money out of the country and out of our economy. America first, jobs for americans. I dont care if they are white or not, they just better be legal to work here

Do an email or two it doesnt take long
The $8,000,000.00 is just to fund the STUDY.

I don't know about you all but my family on both sides came through Ellis Island long after slavery was gone. No doubt blacks were treated extremely bad after that for some time. But so where the Irish and many other immigrants. Yes I know blacks did not come here voluntarily.

Also an issue these nuts forget about is slavery was LEGAL at that time.

A major issue they don't want even brought up that has become a CENSORED SUBJECT in all schools! BLACK SLAVE OWNERS! Yes there were hundreds of freed slaves that became owners and traders in slaves. Some became politicians after slavery was abolished and the civil was was over. Do they give reparations to the descendents of these black slave owners?

Black Slave Owners
I sent you a PM Jeff.

The illegal labor that already occupies this Country (20+ million per I.C.E.) has already done major damage to the American tradesman, and will eventually eliminate the the middle class and the blue collar worker in America if not dealt with immediately.

I will not ever consider hiring anyone in this Country illegally, and have absolutely zero respect for anyone that does.
If you think about it, Nobody that was a slave, slave trader, slave owner or directly benefited from that trade is alive today, just decendents.

There is nothing you can say or do to make it right as nobody involved is here today to apologize to or pay money to but there are a lot of people that think if you give them some land or property it will make it right in their eyes.

If it was legal back then then that was that but I do not understand how giving someone some land or cash will make it better in those people's eyes. I do not understand that.

First you would have to do the DNA testing to make sure that they are decendents of slaves so you need to get some DNA from slaves to match them up to keep things honest then do the testing and take it from there.

I would understand if someone was cheated out of their land or killed for their land or something like that and it should have been passed down through the generations but giving them money or land now to people that were not there, did not suffer in slavery, how is that making it better in their eyes???

I just do not understand this, maybe someone can clear it up for me.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Concrete Driveways Sidewalks and Walkways in Corpus Christi Texas
Didn't the US already do the 40 acres and a mule thing.

My Family also came here legally through Ellis Island,never owned a slave or had any part of the trading of slaves.I don't owe anyone anything for that whole ordeal.
Illegals should be sent home and made to apply for citizenship.Amnesty is a joke and a way to keep cheap labor in the country while crooked business owner and politicians line their pockets with money.
Some of my ancestors were here during the times of slavery. Some came here in the early 1900's. Some were slave owners, some weren't. I fail to see how I am to be judged because of the actions of people who died decades and even centuries before I was born? I had no control over those people. I do not condone their actions in owning slaves even though it was legal at the time. Just because it was legal doesn't mean it was right. But, again, how is that something that my generation needs to make reparations for?
I believe slavery was wrong. I also believe it wrong to award anyone living today for the perceived injustices done to their ancestors more than 145 years ago. How do you quantify what a family is owed for those injustices? And how do you determine how to distribute every former slaves portion of the pie?
There is another side to consider as well. Would that former slave have survived their childhood and been able to have children if they had not been a slave? It was very common for children to die both in this country and in Africa in those times. If that person would have died, then every descendent to follow owes their very existence to the fact that their ancestor was a slave. So, in essence, if not for slavery, they would not exist to be able to complain about it. Whjy should those people get anything? They have aleady been given life.
I am in no way trying to minimize the fact that slavery was a terrible thing. It was. I don't have to live through it to understand that it was wrong and horrible. But, how is rewarding descendents of slaves going to make it right? Slavery was abolished 145 years ago. Have any of you ever met a person that remembered being a slave? How is this commission going to make it right for the actual victims of the slave trade when those victims are all gone?
Didn't the US already do the 40 acres and a mule thing.

My Family also came here legally through Ellis Island,never owned a slave or had any part of the trading of slaves.I don't owe anyone anything for that whole ordeal.
Illegals should be sent home and made to apply for citizenship.Amnesty is a joke and a way to keep cheap labor in the country while crooked business owner and politicians line their pockets with money.

I agree 100%.
I had a conversation with an INS Agent in Dallas in 2001. I only remember because it was right after I bought my first house, which was built primarily by illegals. I asked why the INS did not just go to the thousands of constructions sites in and around Dallas and detain the illegals for deportation. His response was scary. He said they did not have the resources to do that type of thing. It costs the government quite a bit to deport a single person between security, transportation, meals, etc. That is why you only hear about major efforts during presidential re-election campaign years.
Illegals are given amnesty for breaking our immigrations laws. Would you or I get amnesty for robbing a bank if we said we were sorry? NO!! And why not? Because we would have knowingly broke the law!!! These illegals sneak accross the border under the cover of darkness or hidden inside engine compartments or trailers. Don't tell me they don't know they are breaking our laws. Yet, they continue to cross the border and then expect to be able to stay. It's time to put an end to it.
The local sheriff told me that there are 10 ICE officers for the entire state of Indiana. There are almost 3,000 county and city police officers for Indianapolis alone. It's out of control. They claim they can't jail 10 million illegals and they can't.

My idea would be to announce effective Jan 1 2010 that all illegals will be arrested and charged as felons and sentenced to 1 year minimum with Sheriff Arpaio in charge of an internment camp then deported. With no chance to return to the US ever. There would be a major convoy back to Mexico. They would not have to jail them. Whenever the US unemployment rate falls below 2% then start a legal worker program for re-admission.

In California alone illegals receive $38 BILLION more in services then they pay in taxes.
The local sheriff told me that there are 10 ICE officers for the entire state of Indiana. There are almost 3,000 county and city police officers for Indianapolis alone. It's out of control. They claim they can't jail 10 million illegals and they can't.

My idea would be to announce effective Jan 1 2010 that all illegals will be arrested and charged as felons and sentenced to 1 year minimum with Sheriff Arpaio in charge of an internment camp then deported. With no chance to return to the US ever. There would be a major convoy back to Mexico. They would not have to jail them. Whenever the US unemployment rate falls below 2% then start a legal worker program for re-admission.

In California alone illegals receive $38 BILLION more in services then they pay in taxes.

Hell; the economy is so bad that they are all leaving the U.S. and going back to Mexico!!
I agree Jeff but its american companys that hire or sub this work out. Its done to make the "Fatman" richer. The government cant control who is doing the work unless they close the boarders and increase the number of INS agents

Reperations will never happen, they have brought this BS up many many times. The american people will never let it happen. Common sense will always prevail in this matter, Unless there's still a living slave from back in the day, no one will get a cent and they shouldnt

There are things the Gov can do, IF IF IF they want to. They can require Legal workers only, they can have heavy fines, penalties and loss of licesening and possibly jail time for companies bidding on fed, state jobs from the stimulas money. The problem is Dems & many Republicans want to let them in and let them work for various reasons, for the cheap labor, for votes, for crazy left wing love the world reason what ever its WRONG and we have to always let them know

South Carolina is a republican state with republican politicians. I tell them I am a democrat I tell them I want Americans, I want them to know dems to are against letting illegals taking jobs from Americans. What I have seen in the last several years is disgusting

The fat man has also played a major hand in the current economy mess tell your reps you want that changed too, there are things that can be done that will help and not limit growth

If you want to email the Whitehouse & your state reps you can look here. Its a great website look under your state or federal they have listing for ALL states, get the email addresses and voice your opinion, enough complain or comment they sometimes listen
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Not enough of them reports their cameras documented over 40,000 illegals crossing in just the past 90 days. Sure, some are going home, but they are sending 3 replacements for every one that returns.
The $8,000,000.00 is just to fund the STUDY.

I don't know about you all but my family on both sides came through Ellis Island long after slavery was gone. No doubt blacks were treated extremely bad after that for some time. But so where the Irish and many other immigrants. Yes I know blacks did not come here voluntarily.

Also an issue these nuts forget about is slavery was LEGAL at that time.

A major issue they don't want even brought up that has become a CENSORED SUBJECT in all schools! BLACK SLAVE OWNERS! Yes there were hundreds of freed slaves that became owners and traders in slaves. Some became politicians after slavery was abolished and the civil was was over. Do they give reparations to the descendents of these black slave owners?

Black Slave Owners

I personally didn't bring them here and have no problems letting them go back if they want. I will support the funding of that. I am not a predujuice person however I am sick of the " poor black people rants every day and the ones doing the begging and bitching are the ones that have no right in my opinion to even speak until they get a job or two and support their family not my taxes supporting them"
Hey Chris in Texas, didn't fellow AFRICANS sell their "Brothers" into slavery :confused:

I heard something about that, maybe those seeking free money and land should look into that situation back in Africa and sue those that sold their relatives. Kind of makes as much sense as trying to get money for their ancestors' pain and suffering.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Concrete Driveways Sidewalks and Walkways in Corpus Christi Texas