An observation...

Okay my theories, and they are in line with a lot of yours.
1. We all eat like crap. Too many tacos, and burgers to have a balance diet, and you want to supersize that gor .10cents more?
2. Sleep, many of us, especially the guys that do a lot of flatwork, hood rats and other overnight work sleep like crap. We get tired, and want an energyt boost, so we get something to eat, or drink that is an energy boost, and get the momentary rush.
3. When we do eat, we eat a lot! A decent meal at Outback, and most other somewhat decent restaurants, with an appetizer, etc can easily approach 3 to 4 thousand calories.
4. We run ourselves ragged, sitting in our pickups, and do not, for the most part run ourselves ragged at the gym.

Anyway, that is my take

I think you nailed it, lately i have not been walking the dogs.( they are getting fat) Took the one out on the bike and had to carry her back. LOL

This posts got me hiking last saturday, I weight about 65 over my desired weight. I'm gonna loose 30 LBS before MB round.

I will be wider and taller than most.
I've weighed 165 pounds since high school. I am 6'2" I eat anything I want and drink more beer now than ever. My wife hates the fact I eat anything I want. Shes gained 20 pounds since we got married and she goes to the gym every day and runs. A cop once told me that I wouldnt be successful in life if I didnt gain some weight. Its true though, how any successful people arent overweight? I might try drinking vegetable oil.
I've weighed 165 pounds since high school. I am 6'2" I eat anything I want and drink more beer now than ever. My wife hates the fact I eat anything I want. Shes gained 20 pounds since we got married and she goes to the gym every day and runs. A cop once told me that I wouldnt be successful in life if I didnt gain some weight. Its true though, how any successful people arent overweight? I might try drinking vegetable oil.

Curious thing, I used to weigh about 275 and was a generous 6 ft tall. I lost quite a bit of weight, in about 7 months, down to 185. It was interesting to see how people treated me once I lost the weight. It was noticeably more professional, and many that discounted my abilities before, suddenly found me more competent. I think that you need to have a presence without being obese.
They dont like me now... Actually, the reception that I received was noticeably different.
I have noticed the fat guy is usually the Boss. Guess it's because we are smart enough to get someone else to do the work. It's not an excuse just a fact. I gained about 30lbs when I quit doing all the work myself, but I am making alot more money now. I guess it's a trade off, physcal or mental exhaustion. Because of this thread I have also started walking the dog in the afternoon. I do need to get back down to my Fighting Weight.:rolleyes:
I am 285. I keep telling myself it is because I have a slow metabolism. I thought with all the physical work I do now the weight would start to come off but I when I get home I just eat too much. Carrying an extra 100 pounds around is no good.
Calories in must be less than those burned.
All calories must be from protein complex carbs and unsaturated fat.
Muscle mass eats calories. Eat 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.
TRain hard and smart. I suggest a 5x5 program.
If you want to cut then you do cardio first thing in the am when you get up with a protein shake/h20. Heart rate at 80% max for 45 mins. (repeat at the end of day)

8 hours sleep and BCAA's

I am about to go on a crazy 8 week program when I can get this virus out of my
family. Nothing worse than training sick and or under fed IMO.

Goood luck everybody with you fitness goals.