An observation...

Scott Stone

New member
I have been looking at pictures from roundtables, I have noticed the sizes of shirts that Ron is giving out, and have come to a realization. We are all a bunch of fat guys. :eek: ( I toned it down, are you proud of me?) I used to weigh a hefty 275, and lost it down to 185, and have noticed that I am bulking up again. So what do you attribute it to? I have a few theories that I will share in a future post, but would like your honest opinion on why we are such a large group.
It's not our fault,

I have an eating disorder that was caused from my parents whipping my azz when I was younger. If they would have only put me in "Time Out" and fed me tofu maybe I would be skinny.:(

Fat and Happy....

I told my wife if I stay fat then she has nothing to worry about, but if I got skinny it would be like opening up a gold chest to a sea of women pirates.
She looked real concerned?
My wife says that it may have something to do with eating too much, and drinking too much beer...:confused:
It's not our fault,

I have an eating disorder that was caused from my parents whipping my azz when I was younger. If they would have only put me in "Time Out" and fed me tofu maybe I would be skinny.:(

Fat and Happy....

I told my wife if I stay fat then she has nothing to worry about, but if I got skinny it would be like opening up a gold chest to a sea of women pirates. She looked real concerned?

What's that smell?

Ash you're so full of crap tonight the odor has drifted to Ga.:D
I think the problem with diet as a hood cleaner are the times at which we eat and all the "on the go" eating we do. I hardly ever eat at the same times everyday, except for dinner. I always try to have dinner with my family at the table. That is very important to me.

I have been working out really hard for the last 5 months or so and even though most would call me skinny, I was noticing softness in my tummy area. What once was a really good 8 pack from all the sports I played to the beginning of a 2 liter :D I can't take that. I don't like feeling like that and decided to do something about it.

I have not lost any "weight", I have actually gained some, but I have lost a few inches in the mid section. Gained an inch and a half in my arms, shoulders, thighs etc... I feel much better when I'm fit.

The only way to eat somewhat right, is to plan the night before or sooner. I am a protein shake fiend also, so they always make a good meal until I can get some food.

To directly answer Scott's question though, I would have to say that I think we business owners get to busy and don't take time to workout and eat correctly like we should. But we should. Our families are counting on us being around for a long time.
I have weighed more, i have put on about 60 lbs in the last year. Bad diet!!!! too much crap and not enough good food. Portion control is the key, you can eat desert.

yep I tried to eat with you and I couldnt keep up , the beer I can handle the food ...... you win !
Here is what took me from 170 to 210.. Good restaurants, stress, thinking that business is more important than health, eating on the run, eating too late at night, sitting in an office, having an Italian mother in law. I have felt frekin' terrible.. Low energy, no endurance.. I don't even want a six pack, I just want to get back into a 34" pant (I'm a 40" now, yuk) I used to have suits specially made because I needed a 48" jacket and 32" pants now I can buy off the shelf in the short, fat man section. I finally got back on track three weeks ago with a solid diet and joining a gym. I've dropped 17 lbs and my shoulders are once again wider than my waist line. I feel 1000% better already. Its way too tough on the heart and joints carrying that extra weight.

We should do some type of "biggest loser" challenge so we all have someone to answer to. I'll throw in a hundred.
Russ, one of the reasons I wrote this was that I am going to be in SC at Jeff's table. If I stray from my diet and exercise program I'll have to hear it from you guys. Its a good motivator to stay on course.I wanna be down to 185 with some good rebuilt lean mass by then. I'm an edo-ecto so I build muscle very quickly (but fat too if I eat like crap)

PS: That doesn't mean I want to have a bench-off or anything but I should look like less of a load by September.
I'll help, someone give me about! I hit 160 by the end of the winter, by the end of every summer I'll be 145.... Still trying to figure this one out????? I do a fair amount of running, crunches, and pushups..... Excersice is one of the best things you can do, jogging, walking, riding a bike, and swimming are the best for cardio. Keep in mind you need to do something to elevate your heart rate for over 30 minutes at a time everyday.
I also eat very, very little red-meat (alot of heart problems in the family.) We use ground turkey in our pastas, instead of ground beef, things like that all add up! Make good friends with WATER. I kill off a gallon a day, sometimes more!

Here is what I do..........

Adjust for your comfort.

Running: 2 miles, 6 min miles, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pushups: 4 sets of 15 pushups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Situps: 4 sets of 20 situps, Mon/Wed/Fri
Pullups: 3 sets of 3 pullups, Mon/Wed/Fri
Swimming: Swim continuously for 15 min. 4-5 days/week
PS: That doesn't mean I want to have a bench-off or anything but I should look like less of a load by September.

Your and Russ' updated pic should be hawt.

:D :D :D
Okay my theories, and they are in line with a lot of yours.
1. We all eat like crap. Too many tacos, and burgers to have a balance diet, and you want to supersize that gor .10cents more?
2. Sleep, many of us, especially the guys that do a lot of flatwork, hood rats and other overnight work sleep like crap. We get tired, and want an energyt boost, so we get something to eat, or drink that is an energy boost, and get the momentary rush.
3. When we do eat, we eat a lot! A decent meal at Outback, and most other somewhat decent restaurants, with an appetizer, etc can easily approach 3 to 4 thousand calories.
4. We run ourselves ragged, sitting in our pickups, and do not, for the most part run ourselves ragged at the gym.

Anyway, that is my take
If you want some motivation go where there are old people, retirement communities etc.

Count how many overweight old people there are (you won't have to take of your shoes to do it:p ).
I tend to eat a large meal after starving all day and then go to bed to start the cycle over again.
I keep meaning to change my meal times and reduce the dinner portion but it is not convenient most days.
I am the opposite of most I guess. I started my business 5 or so years ago. Before that I was a Hotshot for the US Forest Service. I weighed 235 thighs as big as big as tree trunks and could hump up any mountain with any weight on my back.
Now I am a bean pole. 6'4" and I am lucky if I weigh 200#s. I eat like a horse and I cant gain weight. I dont know if its just my metabolism or what but I wish I could gain a few pounds.....O well.