an introduction


New member
Hi everyone. My name is Christi. My husband, Brian and I are in the process of opening a power wash business. He will be doing the washing and I will be on the business end. I just registerred on this site today, and have found it to be very informative. We are still in the planning stages of this, and have been looking at different equipment... is there any particular brand or item that we should stay away from? Oh, I guess I should tell you all, we are located in Minnesota, and will be starting out part time. Brian will be keeping his current job but switching to the weekend shift, so that we have guaranteed income and insurance. I am already self employed as a pet sitter, which keeps me busy, but not too busy for this (I think). Anyway, just thought I'd introduce us. We will probably have a lot of questions at first. Looking forward to chatting with you all:)

Christi Scherber
Scher Wash
Hey Christi,

I'm new here too, actually this is my first post ( or reply ).
We were just in your shoes not too long ago. We finally started up last month. We researched as much as we could before we started, learning a lot from this and other bulletin boards.

My advise to you is to read every post you can, even go back and read all the previous posts as far as they go back. You'll find a lot of your questions have already been answered. Good luck!!!

Use the search function on this and other boards, you will have more info then you can digest.

Get at least a 3000psi@4GPM machine. Anything less then 4 gallons per min and it will take too long to clean things. Volume is more important then pressure.

You have an interesting situation...........your business and his can feed off each can cross--market. Market pressure washing to your pet sitting customers and vice versa. That should work out well.
HI,,welcome,both of ya.

Don't be shy,jump in as if ya been here all ya life.

is that pet sitting a good business to be in?
Welcome to both of you guys & gals.

Here are a couple of BBS that you might enjoy. I started learning about these ways to late when started 19 years ago. I’m glad now that we have a place to teach and instruct people how to properly go about getting into a pressure washing business.

Bulletin Boards

The Carpet Cleaners Community
Deck Seal
Pressure Washing
Power Wash Network
Dave's Pressure Washing Bulletin Board
Power Washing Message Board
CMM Online

The newest BBS

The grand Daddy of witch all pressure washing BBS have derived from.
Welcome Christi and Brian,

My suggestion on what type to buy is not going to be a brand but 3000 PSI or higher but get MORE volume, 5,6,7 or more GPM.

Search and read, ask question without and do not feel silly asking them.

Almost all of us have been there except the very old times who had no boards or others to ask.

Thank you all so much for making us feel welcome. I have spent hours on this site reading all of the past posts and really learning a lot!

Yes, I do think that pet sitting a a great business to be in... very rewarding. I am a vet tech, but doing this gives me a little more free time with the kids. Heck, they even go to work with me a lot! As far as cross marketing, that is something that we have thought of. Here is something we are toying with on that front, what is your opinion? What if we use the same phone for both businesses? I can answer it with both business names, so both types of clients hear about the other. I don't even know if the phone company will allow it (yellow pages issues), but does it seem unprofessional? I need to decide soon.

I'm meeting with the advertising people tonight... hope they have some good ideas for me!

Thanks for all of the great info!
Yea, but she is talking about two different businesses........absolutely not, in my opinion. You should have you own numbers.

If I were a customer wanting my deck cleaned, and I called and heard "Scher Wash and Pet sitting" I would probably hang up.
I have two businesses also. One line is the main line and the second is a multi ring line. The 2nd line costs me $5.00 extra a month. When some one calls I kno how to answer the phone by the way it rings. If the machine answers it. It says you have called the offices of CCC & W and Ants Away Pest Control Service. Never had a problem. Save some money and do it this way. Good Luck.

Charlie from Wisconsin
i have two different buisnesses
Hays Home Improvement
Charlotte Pressure Washing
both are listed in the yellow pages and my cell phone is the number,i got 7 calls this week for home improvement work and one for pressure washing,have not had anyone hang up yet.
ps. th only time i am at home is to sleep,there is no point in having calls directed to my home since i dont get in until 9 pm.

it would be to late to return calls.
ron p

Hi Christi, i would'nt ever try to talk you out of pressure washing but have you ever thought about a mobile pet washing service?
We have two in my area and they do quite well.
Full conversion vans, totaly set up. One of them has even won some kind of award just for the rig.
Just thought i would throw this out there because of your background.
Mark is very good with know how about equipment and sales. You should check him out.
Before you jump into any biz., get your self a plan. Research everything. Less bells and whistels, means less things to fix.
Research your market area and see where the spot is that will allow you to get your foot in the door. I.E. decks,trucks,flatwork,ect....
this will mold what type of equipment you will need.
Also can you wash year round where your at? NO[I JUST RE READ YOUR POST]
Check out your future comp. priceing.
Use the phone book to find out how meny PW would wash whatever your looking to wash in your area.
Make sure that you understand that most house spigots can only supply 5.5 gpm[some cant even do that]. So do you have a truck that can handle a large supply tank? Insurance costs. phone. parts. Who will fix your
the list goes on.
What is it your planning on washing?
Might check into the different rings for different businesses option. Never thought of that before. Otherwise, will probably dish out the dough for a third line in the house... which is about $70 a month around here.

Mobile pet wash... someone else mentioned that one to me. Only 2 things wrong with that... I HATE grooming, and this new business venture is mainly for my hubby, who wouldn't be a terrific dog washer. He likes dogs and all, but doesn't really have the patience for bathing them. LOL

I've been spending too much of my time researching lately. Everything else is being pretty neglected... the house is getting awefully messy. We are thinking of starting out with decks and driveways... most of the companys around here do decks, but few do driveways. Also, our next door neighbor installs paver driveways, and will be happy to refer his people to us for cleaning and sealing. Our truck will haul the water with no problem (Ford F250 diesel for now, hopefully a new one next year). We are planning an enclosed tandem axel trailer.

The insurance man is just waiting for us to purchase our equipment, then we will be set with that.

Brian is really a handy guy, and he will be taking care of the repairs.

Thanks again people,