Am I cleaning too many roofs?

And this is why my rig is set up with two dedicated pressure washers with reels, an air compressor and an air pump and chem reel. The only 12 volt pump on my rig is used for transferring Chems from one tank to another. I have everything I need on my rig at all times to handle anything from cleaning a roof to cleaning a Hotel. $50.00 driveways with a roof cleaning? Yep! We do them. Its amazing at the end of the year how much those and house washes can change your bottom line.

The internal bypass is a little chamber with a valve that releases when the head pressure gets too high. We have also added an external bypass on all of the SoftWash Systems equipment as well so you can use the mix tank like an accumulator tank and also keep your mix in suspension.

$500.00 pump, 6 months service life, $120,000 in gross revenues.


Cost of pump to Bleach
Cost of pump to Gas
Cost of pump to Labor
Cost of pump to Soap

Pump=cheapest thing you will buy and yes it is disposable.

We use to buy the Sureflow 2880 pumps a box at a time. Came 12 to a box. Often times we bought three boxes at a time. If a pump died in 6 weeks we just threw it away because in 6 weeks it sprayed between 30 and 50k in production. We just gave that lil pump a decent burial and moved on to the next one.

You are probably spending much more money on overtime and plant damages. Id invest in making your system as employee proof as possible and watch your overtime and quality control. Those are the two areas that you will bleed in this business.

Allways welcome Ed