AQUA WERX PURE WATER would like to introduce our self's to
AQUA WERX PURE WATER We manufacture 3 & 4 stage pure water RO / for the window cleaning / solar panel cleaning / mobile detail cleaning industry but not limited to just that.AQUA WERX PURE WATER can also customize a system to match your company colors or if you want to support your favorite sports team colors.With our systems you can mount them practically any where in a trailer/van/pick up truck and they can even be transported in a car if needed.Check us out at
For all of those that offer window cleaning this could be a great add on.
Our new racks are round chrome molly steel and will be powder coated white.The membrane housings are painted only with the best Automotive paint and then they are clear coated to protect them from the UV rays.
Thank you for your time
Brien Irvine
( 480 ) 818 - 8828
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