
Good points.
We,as MEN,are to PROTECT our own.Unfortunatly our boys are constantly being told they should act like women.If you are already a woman ,that's fine.If you are not a woman that's f%%%%%.
We ,who are parents of boys,need to clearly define in their minds,what a man is.First off,according to the Word of the living God.Then show them how to practically withstand the wicked onslaught of this world.Which is embodied in the corrupt mind control of the government schools,the Ad Counsil,Planned Parenthood,and most disturbing,a lot of American "christian" churches.It is a battle that only the men of God in this country can prevail in.IMOHO.
dang, Don...we must listen to the same sermons :D You sound just like me and I like you...LOL

That is the truth though. Men are not men anymore (for the most part). If you are you're considered a bigot, close minded, ape-like Neandertal. You know what I gotta say about that.."ooaa" (monkey sound). No metrosexuality here.

I also agree about most of today's churches or so called anyway. These shysters make me sick, but I'll save that for another thread.
dang, Don...we must listen to the same sermons :D You sound just like me and I like you...LOL

That is the truth though. Men are not men anymore (for the most part). If you are you're considered a bigot, close minded, ape-like Neandertal. You know what I gotta say about that.."ooaa" (monkey sound). No metrosexuality here.
I also agree about most of today's churches or so called anyway. These shysters make me sick, but I'll save that for another thread.

Come on ANT we all know you go get your mani/pedi every week.I thought it was California law that all men had to be Metros.
Come on ANT we all know you go get your mani/pedi every week.

I have had a manicure before, I'll admit that. My wife (Fiance` then) made me get it for our wedding pictures. They were going to take a picture of both of our hands and the rings..blah, blah...I really liked that actually :), they were kinda pretty LOL. Ain't no way in the world though somebody is touching my feet like that. I can't stand to have my feet touched.

I thought it was California law that all men had to be Metros.
This is true! However, I'm a renegade :p
All we need is about 10 WW2 Veterans, and 10 B-52's and 10 Fat Boy's...Done :D :D
1 properly placed fat boy should do it. Dont waste any more big bang toys than you need too!