
They are the pond scum sucking leeches of the earth that do no good for anybody.
the problem is though...they are pond scum that may have some dirty weapons that they got from buddies like Saddam Insane. These people will go to any lengths to kill us and for the most part, half of this country just wants to negotiate and talk with them to tell them that we don't want to hurt them. IT'S BS We need to kill them!!! (period) Kill them dead, then when they almost all dead, kill some more. Stop sending then to Club Gitmo for a tropical retreat from the stress of Jihad and shoot them between the freakin eyes.....

A better Historian will have to polish this story for me, but the facts of it are true. At some point in our history (within last 100yrs) we were being attacked overseas by Muslims (believe is was the Korean War for some reason). Anyways, this brilliant general captured 50 would-be assassins, and killed 49 of them. One had to watch.

They proceeded to wrap their bodies in the skins of pigs, and burned. Once completed, the 50th guy was released and told to go tell the rest of his people what he saw, and what the rest could expect if they wanted to continue attacking us.

You see, Muslims believe pigs to be unclean, and to eat or touch them is sinful. So to be wrapped and burned in a pig's skin in their mind would send them straight to their version of Hell.

They were never attacked or bothered again after that event. True story, like I said, I'm sure someone else has heard it and can polish it for me.
Fight fire with fire and wipe them all out, screw politics, red tape and the worry of offending others they will go to any lenght to kill us and we need t kill them.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush said Monday that a reported North Korean nuclear test poses a threat to global peace and security, denouncing it as "unacceptable."

Bush said the action "deserves an immediate response" by the U.N. Security Council."

Bush said he had called the leaders of South Korea, China, Russia and Japan, and all had reaffirmed a commitment to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.

"Once again, North Korea has defied the will of the international community and the international community will respond," Bush said.

Bush said the United States was still attempting to confirm that a nuclear test had actually taken place. Still, he said, "such a claim itself constitutes a threat to international peace and security."

Bush's comments were in a brief statement he made in the diplomatic reception room of the White House.

Bush said that North Korea was "one of the world's leading proliferators" of weapons technology, including transfers to Iran and Syria.

"The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States," Bush said.

Bush said that in his discussion with other permanent members of the Security Council, "All of us agreed that the proclaimed actions taken by North Korea are unacceptable and deserve an immediate response by the United Nations Security Council."

Added the president: "Threats will not lead to a brighter future for the North Korean people."
Nuke 'em!!

Why wait? Who else are they looking to harm with these weapons? It isn't their buddies the Russians, or any other Arab state....We don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but I have a feeling that this is going to escalate real quick like....

I'm telling you guys right now though, the American people for the most part aren't ready to WIN a fight. It will take another 9/11 or even worse before liberals discover that people want us dead and they will kill innocent people all the same. If we go at it, we need to bring it. Stop worrying about poor little innocent women and children. I know that sounds horrible, and it is, but war is horrible. There is nothing nice about it, people get killed and things get broken-----it's them or us. Collateral damage will happen and we need to have the guts to be able to stand it for the sake of victory and eventually peace because of it.

It's a known fact that the Arab terrorists hide behind woman and children and in mosques or hospitals or schools. We have to be willing to take them out where ever they are. I think if that started happening, the woman, children decent men and women of those countries would turn on the "bad guys" and not let them in their hospitals and schools. They would take care of the problem themselves....I dunno, just my opinion.
I would like to broach a topic that I have not seen.It may make some uncomfortable,but...too bad.Our military is the strongest on this planet,they are engaged on 2 seperate fronts.Even considering our reserves,coast guard etc,we the citizens of these United States may be the last line of defence for the protection of our country against the pigs,and COWARDS that refer to themselves as "jihadists".I do not think that these muslim pieces of s#$@ consider us ,as citizens ,as a threat.They are brainwashed by our media into believing tha ALL Americans are fat,bloated cowards.This will be their downfall.
In my humble opionin,it is time for us to prepare,and organise our communities to prepare to defend our soil against these inbred,syphlittic animals.I won't swear to it,but I believe that there are 70,000,000 gun owners in this country.This is not a time to blindly rely upon our gov't to protect us.It is time to understand that WE are at war!Every head of household needs to understand that WE are as responsible for our defense,along with the gov't.I don't have the answers logistically,but it is time to begin.We must be vigilant and start to plan these devil's destruction if they dare invade our soil again.70,000,000 is a massive force.We as citizens must assist our military.We must be reckoned with.We are responsible.The revolution that won our independence was fought by you and I.This is no different.A different enemy,a different time,but our responsibility has not changed.The first jihaddist that commands me to convert to Islam,or die,will do just that.Believe thou me.IMOHO.
Don, I wish more people thought like that. But the sad truth is about half of this country is limp wristed sissy's that don't know how to deal with Bullies and evil people. They want to talk and appease and give them clean water and doctors in hopes of them not hurting us. They are more worried about a gay congressman having a sexual encounter with another concenting 21 year old man.

Take our border for instance. You don't hear anybody who is anybody saying to do something about the flood of illegal immigrants that are breaking the law and invading our country. I am a Bush supporter but he is way wrong on this issue. We have to stop the flow first, then we can deal with who is here in a fair and reasonable way.

Another thing that I truly believe that our gov't needs to be doing and they may be for all I know, but that is racial profiling. :eek: If your name has an Abu or a Aljaheed or a whole bunch of constinants without any vowels they should be all over them like stink on you know what. The time for worrying about the poor little jihadist's civil rights at Gitmo needs to stop too. They should pull them out of their cells, ask them questions, if they don't comply put a bullet in their head and move on to the next one. These pukes were caught fighting against our soldiers, if they wanna play, then lets play.

You know, my dad taught me at a very early age 2 important things.

1. He said, "If I ever here of you starting a fight, your butt is mine"
2. "If I ever here of you not taking up for yourself, your butt is mine"

I think those are pretty good rules to live by. He also told me how to deal with Bullies. (or a group of jerks) He said to pick the biggest one and go up and punch him as hard as you possibly can until he is unable to fight back....I think that is exactly how we need to deal with the crisis facing our great nation. We didn't start the fight--we need to hit them and keep hitting them until they are unable, incapable of fighting back. Then and only then, there will be peace. Unless of course Jesus returns before that.
The pig story is actually told about Gen. "Black Jack" Pershing, not quite the way it's told here. But it's never been authenticated.....might fall into the category of urban myth, tho I first heard it over 30 yrs ago. Pre-dated the Geneva Convention. Might be fun to try, tho.
Anthony, Don L, & R L S .......... Great Post! Thats the way I think, wish I could say it as well as you guy did.

A better Historian will have to polish this story for me, but the facts of it are true. At some point in our history (within last 100yrs) we were being attacked overseas by Muslims (believe is was the Korean War for some reason). Anyways, this brilliant general captured 50 would-be assassins, and killed 49 of them. One had to watch.

They proceeded to wrap their bodies in the skins of pigs, and burned. Once completed, the 50th guy was released and told to go tell the rest of his people what he saw, and what the rest could expect if they wanted to continue attacking us.

You see, Muslims believe pigs to be unclean, and to eat or touch them is sinful. So to be wrapped and burned in a pig's skin in their mind would send them straight to their version of Hell.

They were never attacked or bothered again after that event. True story, like I said, I'm sure someone else has heard it and can polish it for me.

That was the Russians, adn it was in Iran around the time that the insanians took over the US embassy. They don't have much problems with them anymore. Of course, they do nto feel compelled to play by the same rules we have to, due to Politics, etc. We have make them feel good as we battle with them.
We may be strong 70 mil + but we are not ready for that kind of fight(wwIII). Our shrinking list of allies are starting to face there own issues. The way I see it is kind of like Ant's pops said hit the big guy and then hit them fast and hard. The way I see it we are letting the masses grow( Al-quida, north korea, Iran, Venezuala & any of these unknown parties). I see two things happening we either step up military spending & recruiting and prepair for the future or we wait until its to late and we are invaded again this time a war on american soil. Here is an Idea take all the gang bangers in the US jails and let them fight for there freedom. Get the Bloods & Crips & all the other gangs in the US and let them shoot and kill all they want. Between the Ghettos and the good old boys we can be a force to be reconed with BUT we need a leader someone who doesn't take crap from anyone or care what the treehugging p***ies think. We need a real general not a politician.