A Moment Of Silence Please

Hey Jeff the "53,000 jobs being axed in one company announced today" has a HUGE office less than 1 mile from my new job in Hagerstown if your talking about CITI. I hope it will not mess up my way of living in Hagers. I'm sure it will wreak havoc on the local economy along with the nation economy!
The problem is we are going to get the same old same old, Just look at who he is picking to help run his admin LOL it never changes and won't now. Lets face it We have a CORRUPT CONGRESS and nothing has changed and when one side or one guy is blamed we get no where and we won't no Trust Me Nothing is going to change. Just look at this bail out they have already screwed it up and are trying to give more of our money to companies that could care less and only want free cash so they can over pay them selfs for making a mess out their companies. UNTIL we get rid of all these guys that have been on the hill for 30 years and keep doing the same old same old nothing is going to change PERIOD.

Mismanaging their company and puting their hand out for free cash is going to solve nothing.

The problem is we are going to get the same old same old, Just look at who he is picking to help run his admin LOL it never changes and won't now. Lets face it We have a CORRUPT CONGRESS and nothing has changed and when one side or one guy is blamed we get no where and we won't no Trust Me Nothing is going to change. Just look at this bail out they have already screwed it up and are trying to give more of our money to companies that could care less and only want free cash so they can over pay them selfs for making a mess out their companies. UNTIL we get rid of all these guys that have been on the hill for 30 years and keep doing the same old same old nothing is going to change PERIOD.

Mismanaging their company and puting their hand out for free cash is going to solve nothing.


You know you are right, they are all to blame. I know I blame Bush but I know this mess has been on its way for years and the Dems did nothing either to stop it or warn anybody about it

The bailout is what kills me. OK we bail them out but they can still get huge bonuses and huge salaries. So here we give them 50, 60,80 Billion and the top guys still can get millions & millions in bonuses. Its just so crazy, they mess up and we are basically saying heres millions to line your pockets. I think if they want bailout money they should forfeit any and all bonus money and have a salary cap. If they don't agree to that they get no bailout money and we let the company go under

If my company struggles I tighten the belt. These A holes they just ask for more bailout money:confused: :mad:
Jeff, We can agree on this one LOL it is all thier faults and this bailout is a joke and then asking for more is what is really pissing me off. The more they hand out the more that step forward and ask for more and where does it all stop? us little guys can't get a dime and only pay for these big guys to get out of debt or worse waste it like they have been doing. It is time the COUNTRY SAYS NO to them and let them figure out how they got into this mess and find a way out on their own like we have to do.

I know a lot of people blame Bush but it has to do with everybody sitting on the hill, Hell My retirement has been cut in half and these guys on the hill, WELL they don't have to worry they make more out of office from what we pay them in retirement then they do while in office, it is just not right. I hope and Pray Obama does the right thing and only time will tell, I don't agree with a lot of his policies, hell any of his polies and what he wants but we shall see if he turns out to be better then what I think of him. I just don't know yet but without help he will be like Bush going nowhere and in circles with lots of fighting and nothing getting done for the people. It is time for these over payed people to do what they were elected to do and that is SERVE THE PEOPLE.
THE RECESSION IS A PLOY TO GET OBAMA ELECTED! ELECTION YEAR! But who cares if we spend the next 4 years with a racist crook from chicago, we spent the last eight with a crack head from texas
THE RECESSION IS A PLOY TO GET OBAMA ELECTED! ELECTION YEAR! But who cares if we spend the next 4 years with a racist crook from chicago, we spent the last eight with a crack head from texas

Now thats the best post yet. Thats some funny stuff:D
That is Good but you left out the Mental Migets that run congress and that are still going to bend us over for the next 4 years.......and We Don't Even Get A KISS :mad:

Between Barry Frank and some of those gay republican Senators I'm sure one of them will give you a kiss :p ;)
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