A Moment Of Silence Please

Lightning Gene

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Birth and Death of a Nation


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60+ million people might say that tombstone is wrong. Just got try to get us out of the mess Bush and the republican ideoligy got us into. Oh Ya I forgot all this mess is the Democrats fault & Obams Ha Ha Ha:p You guys(republicans) complained about people always bashing Bush at least we waited some time after he got in office. To bad maybe we should of just let Bush in so we could have nothing left of this country, he's done such a great job:)
BUSH BUSH BUSH, Man you Drank too Much of the KOOLAID my friend, I guess you have not looked at who was in charge of Fanny Mea and Freedy Mac ;) must have been over looked a bit or not looked at in the first place. It takes more then One Man or One Party for this MESS and some will never see the real truth. But we will FUND ABORTIONS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, SMART MOVE OBAMA.........They will Kill babies but not Criminals,That must have been the change you Dems wanted right?

WAKEUP they started the first day bashing Bush, Remember him stealing it from GORE? Guess not to much KOOLAID.

OH that little word (Ideoligy) OK DEMS have that won with ,No Gun Rights, Abortion, Global Warming LOL Gay Marriage that did not pass anywhere, Energy Independence as long as we don't Drill for it, Mine it or Wind power as long as it does not Kills Bats, The list go's on and on and on :D

The Best part is going to be all these Useful Fools that thought they were getting a free Morgage and Car out of their votes LOL All his lies will come home to roast here soon, mark my word when he can't keep his Promises LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Well said indeed. I started writing a response, but relaized its worthless. Just refer to my previous post about Obama Zombies
I think the Bush koolaid made you all deaf, dumb & blind waaaaaaaaaaaa. Have a nice day :)

Bush had 500,000 less votes than Gore, but the Electoral College went to bush, thats the rules. What Obama had 8,000,000+ more and won 8 red states, ya I know it was all Acorn rigging it Ha Ha Ha

Very unpatriotic group you all are. You guys are worse than the French were. If you don't like who most the country picked for President maybe you all should go to France or some other country where they like whining a lot.

Do I got you all mad enough yet???
Hey we had and dumb and dumber to choose from.... Hope someone can fix this mess.

Partisian crap aside I hope so too. 53,000 jobs being axed in one company announced today, man thats 53,000 people, not just jobs. People that have no where to go in this type of economy. I pray things turn around for all
I just pray that the Agenda that has been espoused is reconsidered, and Obama does what should be done, in spite of politics or popularity.

I don't hold much hope, but I will wait and see.
Big Buisness has run this country into the ground, and now we have to bail them out. That is the worst travesty of this whole mess.

They should have taken a small portion of the 1 trillion that it is going to be after all the bail outs, and given some to the taxpaying middle class to jump start this economy.

Bring our military home, and lets start rebuilding this country from the inside out, one big enema and then flush. I can spit out the window of my truck and hit people more qualified to run the country then what we have.
Jeff, I love you to death.. you know that.

Let me ask you one question then I swear on my own grave I will never broach politics with you again. Last year you posted a gross dollar amount. This year's dollar amount you mentioned is up by 40%. You also mentioned to me that you have been able to double business every year prior to that (which were all Bush years). I have achieved similar numbers and my investments and other businesses have all thrived. Other than the democratic rhetoric, what was it exactly that makes you call the Bush years a "mess"? I mean you personally.
Jeff, I love you to death.. you know that.

Let me ask you one question then I swear on my own grave I will never broach politics with you again. Last year you posted a gross dollar amount. This year's dollar amount you mentioned is up by 40%. You also mentioned to me that you have been able to double business every year prior to that (which were all Bush years). I have achieved similar numbers and my investments and other businesses have all thrived. Other than the democratic rhetoric, what was it exactly that makes you call the Bush years a "mess"? I mean you personally.

Ken when I think about the country and share some of my thoughts and spew some of my BS, I dont think about me, I think of all America in whole. Yes I have done well, but look around many are not. Many Americans are hurting, big biz is hurting and bringing many down because I think it was let to happen. I think the lack of regulations and the total let big biz do whatever they want attitude bread greed and corruption that now every single American is feeling and will end up paying for. There are many things fundamentally wrong right now and I feel much had to do with the recent leadership. Sort like they say "The buck stops here"

Its not about me personally. I look at things in the big picture and I think the big picture now is a mess

I love this country just like the many I argue with on these boards. We just see things differently.
Personally I think I may have been able to do better recently, maybe there would be less unemployed getting into PWing and being lowballers. Maybe some of the calls I get from PM's saying they want the work done but can't afford it because the HOA's arent getting dues money from the homeowners. When a PM calls and says Jeff sorry we have to go with the low bid this year its what the HOA's are requiring. Or as I have heard from others in the industry that places are cutting back on washing. This economy has many scared so I am scared for them. So me personally I am disgusted with what I am seeing going down these days and I just have to go back to "the buck stops here"

I don't know I'm just liberal Jeff playing in a feild of Republicans on these BB's someone has to take the other side......................The right side LOL

And stop sayiing you love me, what are you one of those liberal gay loving guys from up north LOL LOL:rolleyes: ;) :)
Did Bush deregulate?I don't lioke everything Bush has done I think he let a lot of companies merge into things that control to many corners of certain markets Big oil,Drug companies,Insurance companies,etc I don't care for those things.

What scare me with Obama is it seems he is bringing the Clinton administration back in lock stock and barrel.He preached change and he won on it and he is bringing these retread Clinton people back in.Is this change?No it's not in my opinion.He need to bring in smart people to help him and the Clintons couldn't help themselves.I mean Bill Clinton is a snake oil salesman at best he could charm the pants off on anyone, and he has proven that.

I'm not an Obama fanatic but the man is MY president now and I hope he can help us, because we haven't seen the worse yet by any means.When these people start losing their jobs it is going to get real bad.I should say we not them because there is some people on this baord that are going to lose their jobs in this mess.The company I work for full time just anounced that after Dec 19 the plant will be shuttered until after the new year and after that who knows.
And stop sayiing you love me, what are you one of those liberal gay loving guys from up north LOL LOL:rolleyes: ;) :)

Jeff, you know I luv ya too!

That's why I worry about you living where you do and talking about your hi' and mighty political views with that "FARRIN" accent.

Remember, "squeal lik' a pig!" That was only 300 miles away from you. Watch out, they'll come git you. (Some of them might even be my own cousins)

It's just concern Jeff. I'm just concerned about you.
Did Bush deregulate?I don't lioke everything Bush has done I think he let a lot of companies merge into things that control to many corners of certain markets Big oil,Drug companies,Insurance companies,etc I don't care for those things.

What scare me with Obama is it seems he is bringing the Clinton administration back in lock stock and barrel.He preached change and he won on it and he is bringing these retread Clinton people back in.Is this change?No it's not in my opinion.He need to bring in smart people to help him and the Clintons couldn't help themselves.I mean Bill Clinton is a snake oil salesman at best he could charm the pants off on anyone, and he has proven that.

I'm not an Obama fanatic but the man is MY president now and I hope he can help us, because we haven't seen the worse yet by any means.When these people start losing their jobs it is going to get real bad.I should say we not them because there is some people on this baord that are going to lose their jobs in this mess.The company I work for full time just anounced that after Dec 19 the plant will be shuttered until after the new year and after that who knows.

I hope he does a good job too or I will be voting to get him out too. I think why people voted him in is because some just wanted anything but some of the same old same old and a lot of people hope he is some kind of change, he dosnt have to be great just good and hopefully fix some things for the better. We have him for 4 years its up to him if he gets another 4 years