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John,it doesnt happen everyday...on any given day i have made between $160 - $1500 a day when working,then there are days you dont work,you never know when there coming.

i dont think $2500 for a weeks work goes as far as you think...the more you work the more costs you have...

ps average pay in the construction industry is $1000 wk. for a man that works 9 to 5,if i am going to run a business and put up with the headaches it wil have to be at 3-5k week before expenses

ps last month i deposited 16k in my account and withdrew 23k...

sure would like to know where all the profit is!
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Competition is a killer, especially when the competition is filled with guys that have no idea about the cost of doing business. That kind of stuff makes me nuts, and can kill a business fast. That is why I try to hit where they aren't in order to make a living.


Keep in mind that pay rates vary drastically depending on where you live...You won't find a construction worker here making $1000.00/week... $2500.00/week is damn good money depending on where you're at, and depending on how you run your business. There are too many factors that come into play when you talk about what it takes to make it.
let me get this straight, you cleaned 50,000 sqft of concrete in 15 hours. Was this just a large sort of square area or was it sidewalks? From what I am picturing in my head, that sounds kind of impossible, I may be picturing it in my head wrong though.
There were two large areas about 100 by 100, one had a carousel in it the other was a train landing for a small train (one where there is an engineer, but his knees are up around his ears). There were a lot of walks around buildings, and exposed aggregate that went from the Carousel to a playground that was about 15 feet wide, and 400 feet long. There were also miscellaneous walks, and a traffic pull out that was about 80 feet long, and yes, it took me 15 hours. (BTW, I got a letter today saying what a great job I did.)

Scott Stone

I had the same thought you had, but after Scott posted his anwer, I thought some more about it. That's only a bit over 3300 sq. ft per hour, not that hard to do if you have the right equipment and it isn't extremely bad. My initial guess was way way off (I think I guessed 70 hours), because I didn't think it through. I was saying Scott should only be able to do 715 sq ft. per hour. That's 12 sq ft. per minute, or the amount of concrete he'd clean if he moved his surfacer 6 feet. I sure hope he can move it more than 6 feet in a minute!!!
yep, I was thinking about the 50,000 sqft job I did that took me as long as I posted, around 70 hours I think. I didn't take into consideration that I was in a 6 level parking garage, with colums all over the place, cars in spots and having to disconnect and reconnect water on each floor. Like I said, I imagined it wrong. Good job Scott. As for the parking garage, I never got a letter saying we did a good job, but...they payed 400 more than I billed them for, I like that kind of letter the best.