A contest sponsored by me.

Scott Stone

New member
Here is a contest sponsored by me. I haven't decided what hte prize will be, but I am leaning towards some Flow switches that I can't use, that I have laying around.:rolleyes:

Here is the job.

55143 Sq. Ft. 75% exposed colored aggregate, 15% untreated concrete,5% is red curbing that needs the paint stripped and the rest is brick in sand.

Everything has pretty good access to it, and there will be little to no traffic.

It is in a prestige area, meaning that appearance is of prime importance. This is a VERY tourist sensitive spot in a city near me.

I will be using one hot water pressure washer, and a surface cleaner, a water jet, to do the job. I will also use a variable pressure wand to remove the little gum that is on the job site. Over the whole job, I noticed maybe, 100 gum spots. A turbo nozzle will be used to remove the paint off of the curbs.

So here is the challenge. How many man hours will it take to get the complete job done? for bonus points, At what cost? The winner needs to be within 25% of the hours that I take. So say I take 1000 hours, he needs to be within 250 hours on either side of it to claim the prize.

So that is the challenge, what do you think? if you want to e-mail me, feel free.

Scott Stone
Are you doing it yourself or will you have help. I think you explained it, but I just want to clarify. By yourself. I think it will take you one I think it will or should take you alone about 700 hours for everything. But... what chems do you plan on using??
No Michael you said 700 hrs!!!!! First prize is $1500!!!-NO-it would take me 700 hr.
Is this like Price is Right, the closest without going over? If so I say 71 hours. No, I think if you have a helper you might be able to do it in 55 hours. That is if you don't take to many breaks. lol
75 hr's and $65 to $80 per hour
not inc travel time
water on site-no reclaim
one man
one wash unit.
add 2 hour's if paver's need re-sanding.
I forgot the bonus question. You should get $5375.44 based on per sq. ft.
I think anywhere from 4-6 grand would be fair. in my estimated time, travel was not included, just actual working time. I recently did a 50000 sf job, I basically just posted how much time it took me. It wasn't very easily accesible though. Alot of headaches. Curious to see how long it takes you Scott.
Quick question though. I know you do a lot of trucks, how much flat work have you done??
I do some flat work on rare occasion. This is part of one of my government contracts. I will be doing this by myself. I do not anticipate using any helpers on the project.

Here is a link to Beth and Rod's board that is discussing my guidelines on what I am going to do to keep the contest fair, and such. Please make only one guess and do not change it. WHat you guess is what you get.

The project is scheduled at the end of the month. I already have a price quote on it, and will reveal that at the time I give the hours that I work on the project. I thought that I was going to do it this week when I posted the question, that is why I posted the question so early, then the customer had a change of plans.

Scott Stone
so many people have viewed this thread(and others)and can't be bothered to post a few words..there is enough(bbs) grave yards out there......so post now and again on any board...you don't have to know it all...just participate and keep things alive
And the final answer is...

It took me a total of 15 hours on three seperate days. The customer was thrilled. It actually took me a little lomger than I planned because some of the drainage from the concrete was ridiculous, and rinsing it did not go easily. I spent an hour and a half rinsing one area about 20 feet wide and 60 feet long. Talk about a time killer.
The winner of the contest, and the only one that was within the 25% was Chuck/booyaa with 13 hours. He did not give a guess on the cost, which was $1547.80. That is over a hundred doolars an hour. I actually remembered being less than that, but it was over a month since I quoted it.

So for his efforts and correct guess, Chuck gets a Console that I had in my pickup. About a $500 value. I gave him other choices, including the flow switches that I cannot use, but he has no heat, and some other things, but that was thing that he was interested in, and the thing he chose. I also had some new guns, and wands that were offered as well.

You have to remember that I am in a very large metro area. Number 6 in the nation. That means a lot of competition. Usually 5 or 6 new guys a week that are going to set the world on fire. I do okay though and usually make around $100 an hour by myself on flatwork.
i agree the hourly rate is the same i make,but i only have to produce half the production to make as compared to your area.......my remark was based on the fact how much harder i would have to work to make the same money at those prices....

i will be completely honest the prices here lately are starting to go where your at for doing twice the work at new constr. plus they want the house and deck threw in for free.......