Clean County PW
Active member
Jeff good to see you back...Supply & demand = higher prices everywhere. Its definitely a world economy we live in
If diesel hits $5 a gallon again here I will sell the unit on my truck and get a 3/4 ton pick up to pull my trailer with.
I'll pay the $2500 extra for the propane conversion on the new 3/4 ton truck.
The problem with that is if you get in a bad enough accident your truck will blow to pieces and the very least you will be deaf from the sound. Propane is way to dangerous to drive around with on a continous bases IMHO.
Just look where I work my "Other Job" These people are in the top 1%. Actually there higher but where I work there medium salaries are capped for consensus reasons. This is called the Rich are getting Richer and the middle class is getting pulled down more and more to the poorer class. What happens is you have these super rich who own the Hedge Fund companies such as a bunch do where I patrol. These Hedge Funds are set-up to make money for them even if they fail and especially if they are raided and shut down by the feds. To long and complicated to explain that. The Cheapest Hedge Fund in my area to get into is or was $250,000. If I had that money and I do know the guy who owns it I wouldnt do it because if I lost that I would be burnt and bitter toast.
Anyway these guys that do these hedge funds know the laws to the tee. Better then career criminals do who can recite law. They know they can drive the price of oil up on speculation so now we all and them to pay at the pump. It effects us but not them because its only pennies to them. Then bamm there out and the Oil options that they bought and never saw a drop of it they made Millions already. Its a loop hole in our financial laws and only the very rich can be in this type of game.
The other problem is what Jeff is stating. The worst thing that happened to us was the BP leak. The one chance we had to drill was most likely lost because of what happened to BP which I'm speculating was sabatoge that caused that so the liberals here can say "We told you so that drilling for oil here is bad". Meanwhile China, Venzuala and many more countries drill there own oil and we have to purchase it off of them which give them extreme power due to extreme richness they enjoy.
People wake up and smell the coffee. Hedge Funds and letting the rich by on speculation is horse poo. They can drive the market up and cash out then the poor bastards who are clueless loose there life savings. Thats number one. Number two is we have so much oil in our surrounding waters so many jobs can be had drilling for it and screw the other countries that we have to depend on to get the oil. When its done like that there is wars. Its plain and simple and clear as day. But no regular Joe Like a Jeff L. or myself will the general population ever listen to because we dont have the hundreds of millions to get the clear message over to the middle class who already know this but are afraid to fight the very rich and that goes with in party lines also.
I know the Independce party chair and had a few debates with him because by the end of they day he is a frustrated Republican. Here put this in the bank. There all talking heads and they all fall in line somewhere so our system continously repeats itself. Think about it and look into our past. Next on our short list is Iran and possibly Russia once again. And for what???? Money and oil. The never ending cycle..........