$5 Gas


JL Pressure Washing
Its coming by 2012 is all I am hearing.

The economy was hurting bad and when gas went up to $4 a gallon the economy tanked even worse. people were afraid they wouldnt have the money to get gas and go to work so they slowed or stopped spending.

Will gas at $5 cause a double dip recession or worse

Oh well maybe I will build windmills to run my trucks and machines:frown::shakehead::speechless:
We realy need to take back our country stop the pple that are running this country to the ground. When was the last time White House or congress their for us working pple ones that have built this country asnd made so great.

I think it might be the workings of the wall st as-h-les agian. They make millions when the price goes up and munipulate the price! I say we boycott for a week! Everyone stay home from work for a week shutting the country down so they start listening to the poeple who pay there salary!!!


Only buy made in the USA.
If the gas goes up we are ready with electric. Not going to have 30,000 dollar a month fuel bills. 15 is bad enough!!

Ready for Electric.......Your dreaming !!!!
I don't see 3/4 ton or 1ton trucks on electric, tractor trailers don't run on electric, the cars that are electric are compacts, not work horse type vehicles. It will be years I would guess 20 yrs before we can say electric is our first choice for driving cars.
Let the price go to 5 dollars a gallon and we will truly be hurting. Gas prices after 911 is what triggered this mess we are in now. Everyone got scared they couldn't afford gas and stop spending money!!!!

We have our own oil but the Democrat tree huggers won't let us drill for it. I am sorry but if some fish and some grizzle bears have to die so be it.....
Ready for Electric.......Your dreaming !!!!
I don't see 3/4 ton or 1ton trucks on electric, tractor trailers don't run on electric, the cars that are electric are compacts, not work horse type vehicles. It will be years I would guess 20 yrs before we can say electric is our first choice for driving cars.
Let the price go to 5 dollars a gallon and we will truly be hurting. Gas prices after 911 is what triggered this mess we are in now. Everyone got scared they couldn't afford gas and stop spending money!!!!

We have our own oil but the Democrat tree huggers won't let us drill for it. I am sorry but if some fish and some grizzle bears have to die so be it.....

The way I read it is the USA consumption isnt that bad, its china, India and the rest og Asia. China alone has added 30 million cars in just the past two years. Our consumption is peaked possibly but the other countries need more & more. Supply & demand

2nd is we don't produce enough in America. I am not a huge fan of off shore drilling but I am a realist too. We used to drill off California Coast East Coast and more. I think we have to be independent and drill more. BP spill shows there needs better oversight, regulations, cleaner ways to produce and safety. Some will say that costs to much, but we can't have more BP spills. Plus regulations, safety and cleaner energy will produce more jobs right here in the USA, more good jobs here more money being spent, better economy

I worked as a Union Steel Painter in the 80's & 90's when they were retrofitting all kinds of power plants, coal to energy plants, trash to energy & nuke plants with cleaner ways of doing things. Scrubbers all kind of anti pollution things and it created jobs, lots of jobs. So I say drill, but safer & cleaner, we have the technology. We are a fossil fuel country, we need to get more fossil fuel out of our ground and ocean.

I also say the president should also do what he said he would do, create clean energy electric, wind etc etc. We always get the crisis say we are going to do this and that, the crisis slows and we do nothing.
We are in a whole new world and economy. Heck Communist China is our banker, how the heck did that happen, soon the are going to be the biggest super power over taking USA. We need tp produce things right here in this country. We cant just be a country of pressure washing and landscape service companies. We need to make things right here.

I would say 40% of my work I am doing for less in this economy, $5 gas, heck $4 gas will hurt

Drill baby drill, just do it smart and it will help our dependency on foreign fuel and it will create jobs

Our politicians Reps & Dems all have let us down, they better wake up and make the hard choices and lead us instead of just worrying how to get reelected and what party is in power

I like Rons idea of units that are electric, like to know more about that.
If gas goes up to $5/gal that would be crazy. Someone should invent a skid that runs off electric for so long then when the electric is drained the gas motor kicks in at the same time recharges the electric. That would save us on gas.
I doubt gasoline will go to $5 a gallon. The only reason is domestically produced ethanol makes sense at about $3 a gallon. This the only thing keeping OPEC from pumping oil prices way up. Of course ethanol making sense means corn prices will go way up which they have right now. Which drives prices up at the grocery even though most all of corn grown is for animal feed not human consumption.

The so called clean energy like electricity for cars is a bunch of feel good stuff. 60% of electricity is produced by coal. So you would replace millions of auto emissions with a huge number of new coal plants that would be needed. Without huge govt subsidies wind makes no sense at all. Subsidies of course mean we are paying the bill so we can get wind power. So we get stuck with the bill one way or another. We have a huge wind farm about 1 hour north of me and each windmill is over $2 million. That buys a lot of electricity. Of course Obama's buddy GE's CEO Immelt who was on Obama's "economic recovery advisory board" is getting the contracts for building these $2 million generators.

Nuclear power makes more sense than anything but the Jimmy Carter, tree hugging environmental nuts pulled the reigns in on that a while back. The regs make it cost prohibitive to build one.

Hydrogen cars have the most promise with zero emission issues since only water vapor comes out the exhaust. Hydrogen could be used to heat homes too with the infrastructure of natural gas lines already in place.

More domestic drilling is the most practical short term solution. Big oil has a strangle hold on all of us through our politicians no matter what their political affiliation.
Like Dave Ramsey says "if $5 per gallon gas makes you poor, why doesn't $2 per gallon gas make you rich?"
Like Dave Ramsey says "if $5 per gallon gas makes you poor, why doesn't $2 per gallon gas make you rich?"

why would $2 gas make me rich?

I spend about 40K+ a year on fuel, make that 80K+, wont make me poor but sure does hurt my pocket and in this economy with the lowball competition EVERYWHERE I can't pass that cost on. Like I said about 40% of my jobs now are less than just a couple years ago. Wiggle room is getting tighter and tighter in this economy. I'm working hard trying to keep guys employed to help my pocket and the economy, but unless there's some big boom time a $5 a gallon increase will hurt

Plus I am thinking economy in whole it will slow spending down. I know many that will think twice about washing a house every 12 months, they may wait 18-24 months. They may pass on that roof cleaning etc etc. I don't know about your area but my area its tough for many.

My county out of 360 of the largest counties in America is the lowest paid county of all 360. The majority of hard working people get paid crap, unemployment is 12 - 14 %. There isnt that many jobs here, you start doubling gas prices and its going to screw a lot of people and our economy. If it goes that high I will survive and probably grow like I always do, but its a lot more work for me, so no $2 gas wont make me rich, but $5 will definitely not make life easier....for anyone
It's not hard to get used to $5 gas. I pay $5 gal for my diesel around here. As it slowly goes up it don't hurt as bad.

Here's the way I see it: my truck will run 20 mpg or so. If I were offered $5 to walk 20 miles would I do it?

is one year or two years slow enough if that diesal goes to $10 a gallon in that time

Hopefully none of this will even happen, but usually when they start talking about gas prices going up, it usually does sooner than later
If diesel hits $5 a gallon again here I will sell the unit on my truck and get a 3/4 ton pick up to pull my trailer with.

I'll pay the $2500 extra for the propane conversion on the new 3/4 ton truck.

Diesel.....$5 Per gallon at 10 MPG......40 Gallon Tank Fill Up...$200......400 Miles
Propane...$2 Per gallon at 11 MPG......40 Gallon Tank Fill Up...$80.......440 Miles

Equals only 21 fill ups to break even or 9240 Miles on the New truck and I can start pocketing the extra $120 a fill up.

Or I could go cheaper at get a CNG conversion and pay $1.21 a gallon....now there is a though.