The way I read it is the USA consumption isnt that bad, its china, India and the rest og Asia. China alone has added 30 million cars in just the past two years. Our consumption is peaked possibly but the other countries need more & more. Supply & demand
2nd is we don't produce enough in America. I am not a huge fan of off shore drilling but I am a realist too. We used to drill off California Coast East Coast and more. I think we have to be independent and drill more. BP spill shows there needs better oversight, regulations, cleaner ways to produce and safety. Some will say that costs to much, but we can't have more BP spills. Plus regulations, safety and cleaner energy will produce more jobs right here in the USA, more good jobs here more money being spent, better economy
I worked as a Union Steel Painter in the 80's & 90's when they were retrofitting all kinds of power plants, coal to energy plants, trash to energy & nuke plants with cleaner ways of doing things. Scrubbers all kind of anti pollution things and it created jobs, lots of jobs. So I say drill, but safer & cleaner, we have the technology. We are a fossil fuel country, we need to get more fossil fuel out of our ground and ocean.
I also say the president should also do what he said he would do, create clean energy electric, wind etc etc. We always get the crisis say we are going to do this and that, the crisis slows and we do nothing.
We are in a whole new world and economy. Heck Communist China is our banker, how the heck did that happen, soon the are going to be the biggest super power over taking USA. We need tp produce things right here in this country. We cant just be a country of pressure washing and landscape service companies. We need to make things right here.
I would say 40% of my work I am doing for less in this economy, $5 gas, heck $4 gas will hurt
Drill baby drill, just do it smart and it will help our dependency on foreign fuel and it will create jobs
Our politicians Reps & Dems all have let us down, they better wake up and make the hard choices and lead us instead of just worrying how to get reelected and what party is in power
I like Rons idea of units that are electric, like to know more about that.