But measure the milk jug. They are a little more than a gallon, too. Or, you could just fill the bucket for exactly one minute and weigh it. Water is 8.33333 lbs. Per gallon. As long as the scale is close, it should tell you it is right on.
De-scale machine........once the machine has been used for a month the GPM will change.
How do you go about descaling a coil?
Get some Coil Clean, you simply run it thru the pump for 20 or 30 minutes. Use a bucket and you can see how much crap you get out of the coil.
When you rehook the coil up you will see that it runs like brand new after you adjust unloader.
My guys always ask what did we did because the performance is majorly improved.
although the belts are tight (retightened today) ill buy new belts this weekend they dont seem to be shellaced but who knows...mabe honda should add my fix to all under performing pressure washers....anybody need their toyota fixed ?
I see the problem....Try using a Blue bungee cord...LOL....Hey, is that an insulated 5gal cooler I see there?