New member
3rd Annual NOVA Networking Event.
DEC 8th.
Baltimore, MD area.
DEC 8th.
Baltimore, MD area.
Hey guys in the past a few guys have been holding a small meet n greet in Northern VA. It seemed as if it was not going to happen this year so a few others and myself are trying to pull this off before the year runs out.
I understand that last year there were roughly 20-30 guys there, and I am hoping that we can reach those numbers even if we are running on a short notice.
I was not originally <o
I am currently trying to locate a conference room to have this and am hoping to be able to nail a place down soon.
Everyone is welcome!!!
This is going to be a FREE event, but if you have fun and learn something we would appreciate a donation to help cover the expense.
We will be having some free give aways and will be listing some of those soon along with a some of the details of the day.
I am looking for ideas from you as to what you think would make this a great event!!
If you are interested in coming please post or let me know that you will be coming so I can get a rough count of how many will be coming.
More info coming soon....