2013 Coming to and End:::: If we had Awards who Here would WIN!!!

Maybe some lifetime ban awards for those that want to just create drama, lie about everything, people that live to edit and delete posts and threads, people that want to cause trouble and lie about it and beg to be let back in then cause more trouble and lie some more and then get kicked out again and then when the strings stop getting pulled since they are done with him like a used rag, they toss him to the curb like a used prosititute. It is a shame that people cannot see what is happening around them and to them in these situations.
Maybe some lifetime ban awards for those that want to just create drama, lie about everything, people that live to edit and delete posts and threads, people that want to cause trouble and lie about it and beg to be let back in then cause more trouble and lie some more and then get kicked out again and then when the strings stop getting pulled since they are done with him like a used rag, they toss him to the curb like a used prosititute. It is a shame that people cannot see what is happening around them and to them in these situations.

So I have my Blinders on award?
Not falling for the reclaim midth and drinking the coolaid award. lol