I totally agree with you. Education properly shared by educated people is always good to have. That is one reason we grow our company. We meet with 100+ contractors once a year at various places. Hold actual round tables covering various topics. The event is so over powering, it takes a year to cover everything we learned the previous year. The first year we came home with 670+ pages of information and grew our business by over 20%. The meeting of business minds can only help our businesses. I believe a "Definitions" area would be good. That way the contractors can actually see what is on the agenda and spend their hard earned money on the most profitable gatherings. As far as cost, that should be second in the minds of a growing contractor. I know I have never attended a yearly meeting and not recovered the total cost. It has been as high as $4,000. Some I have attended locally for a few hundred and recovered the cost. Being pickey, knowing the Value of a gathering and what you will really get from it, has to be on most peoples minds in these troubled times. Value for your dollar. Thank You.