Ralph,..the wooden one was cheap to make,..it was made from scrap pieces I had laying around. I actually have the wooden one on board as well,..it works just as good as the aluminum one,..but is only used sparingly. But these things are awesome, and so much better than any pump sprayer will ever be.
$10.00 worth of wood,.(If you'd have to buy)
$40.00 Pump
$15.00 Battery
And another $10.00 in a switch, connectors, wiring and hose and you have a very capable spot sprayer for less than $80.00
The hose I use is the 5/16" clear vinyl stuff from Ace hardware,.and haven't had any issue with it at all.
The one thing that will not hold up to the cleaners I run through these is the triggers,..and I've tried a couple different ones,.after going through about one about every (2) weeks I've determined they are just to spendy to keep buying,..they just won't hold up to 12.5% sitting in them,..so I went back to 1/2" ball valve,.. I put a 3" piece of PVC pipe on the inlet side of the ball valve,..this gives my hand a little leverage and allows me to open and close the valve easily with one hand. And the nice thing is,..a 1/2" ball valve doesn't need to be opened all the way to have full flow,..just simply cracking it open about a 1/4 turn at most,.. and that's it,..very easy to do with one hand.
*Maybe later I will take one apart and show how it's put together on the inside.