$100 million for Haiti


New member
It sure is easy to spend money when it is not your own. How charitable of Obama to donate $100 million of other people’s money. But shouldn’t America do something to help Haiti? No, America shouldn’t do anything. This $100 million comes out of the pockets of American taxpayers. In a free society, no one should be forced to fund foreign aid to any country for any reason. But what about individual Americans, shouldn’t they do something? Individual Americans may do something and can do something, but it would be wrong to say that they should do something. Who is to say whether John Doe on Main Street in Topeka, Kansas, should donate to the Haiti relief effort? It would be nice if he did, but only God alone can say that he should.

What will be the effect of Obama’s promise of $100 million in aid for Haiti? Will many Americans simply put their wallets away? After all, what is $10 or $20 donated to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army compared to $100 million?

In August and September 2008, the U.S. government committed over 30 million dollars to affected Haitians, following the four earthquakes the country experienced in that year.

In fiscal year 2009, the U.S. Congress provided another 100 million dollars for hurricane relief and reconstruction for Haiti, as well as other Caribbean countries.

Under that budget, the U.S. also allocated 287 million dollars for aid to Haiti. For fiscal year 2010, 292.8 million dollars are requested. Foreign aid is estimated to make up as much as 80 percent of Haiti’s GDP.
I think the Chinese are sending over sheetrock !!
Just curious, whats Canada sending?
Just curious, whats Canada sending?

Well the Superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was killed in the Port au Prince Police station he and his staff were trying to rebuild

"Early this morning Superintendent Douglas Coates’ body was located by rescue crews searching through the rubble of the UN Headquarters building in Port au Prince Haiti which was destroyed during the recent earthquake there. Identification was confirmed this afternoon"

Kind of hard to put a price on that.
I heard somewhere that we lost 45,000 Americans in the quake....guess they prefer cash?
Shelly brought up a good point this morning. On the news they were taking a woman to the hospital and the ONLY hospital set up in the city was a field hospital set up by the nation of Israel.

I wonder how many Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria have set up?

And second, how did Israel set up a field hospital from the other side of the world before we did when Haiti is right next door?

I was just reading where an ATL charity donated the MLK day food to Haiti instead of their normal program for the homeless here in ATL. I don't believe that I agree with that philosophy. What $$ is earned here should stay here. What foreign countries helped us during Hugo, Ike, Katrina, etc? Seriously...if any did I would like to know!
We, after all the years and help given, are now considered the world's babysitter. No other country is EXPECTED to do anything but the US of A.
Just curious, whats Canada sending?

Please keep in mind before reading this that Canada has a population of almost 34 Million vs US's Population of 308 million Plus. That means that there are almost 10X as many Americans as Canadians.

Anyways I've pulled this info off the web..


Canada pledges $555 million in aid to Haiti <O:p</O:p
24 Feb 2008 14:15:24 GMT <O:p</O:p
To be paid between 2006-2011

Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010 9:01PM ESTLast updated on Monday, Jan. 18, 2010 3:01AM EST
<O:pThe first wave of a massive Canadian disaster-relief effort will touch down in Haiti Thursday, as the federal government dispatches planes loaded with helicopters, supplies and equipment to Port-au-Prince, while two navy ships and 500 Canadian troops set sail from Halifax.Even before Prime Minister Stephen Harper was able to get a call through devastated phone lines to Haitian leaders, the government set in motion a major aid mission, replete with equipment, experts, manpower, and supplies. ...
<O:pAnd Canadians rushed to open their wallets as pictures of the devastation began to appear on their television sets. By 5 p.m. Wednesday, the Canadian Red Cross had received donations of more than $1-million.

<O:pHaiti is the largest recipient of Canadian development assistance in the Americas. It is currently the 2nd largest development program of the Canadian International Development Agency.
http://www.nowpublic.com/world/canadas-aid-haiti-2-vessels-air-support-1500-troops<O:p</O:pIn summary Canada is doing its fair share for a country its size. The Canadian government has pledged to match donations by Canadians up to an amount of $50 Million.

I also read that as of last week Major Canadian Corporations had donated over 5 Million dollars as well.

There are also organizations other than the red cross raising money for Haiti.

Canadians are well recognized as being very charitable, especially in my home city of Winnipeg.
But 'WE' and I mean Americans, not the US govt, have given and continue to give more than any people in the history of the world. Govt 'giving' is an insult to true charity.
I have no doubt that Americans are very generous as well. I was simply responding to Larry's question as to what Canada was doing, certainly not trying to make a competition out of it.

We as Canadians do provide more than advice.
I have no doubt that Americans are very generous as well. I was simply responding to Larry's question as to what Canada was doing, certainly not trying to make a competition out of it.

We as Canadians do provide more than advice.

We are All people who care about others, christians most of us. People all in all.

I think Tom's point is why our leaders feel so free with our money when they themselves dont pay tax. But they sure are willing to dish our tax money out to others.

We have private groups that do this work, as americans we should decide there. Maybe on our income tax we check a box to donate to world charitys or not?

This spending has got to stop and private people and business need to come to the rescue, I'm sure theres some co if not many that have huge interests in this country. They should be stepping up, rich people should open there wallets a bit wider.

The average American is getting sick of this....
It is in the American DNA that when things are bad you help, no matter where, no matter who !! This is what makes us Americans !! But if you F**K with us "Will put a boot in your ass" !!
It is in the American DNA that when things are bad you help, no matter where, no matter who !! This is what makes us Americans !! But if you F**K with us "Will put a boot in your ass" !!

These people are messing with our very lives hard, they are breaking us from the inside.
It is in the American DNA that when things are bad you help, no matter where, no matter who !! This is what makes us Americans !! But if you F**K with us "Will put a boot in your ass" !!

Lol! I like the spirit :)

I happened to be in Mexico during the 911 attacks and that is pretty much the sentiment we heard from most Americans, delivered in just such a way.
We are All people who care about others, christians most of us. People all in all.

I think Tom's point is why our leaders feel so free with our money when they themselves dont pay tax. But they sure are willing to dish our tax money out to others.

We have private groups that do this work, as americans we should decide there. Maybe on our income tax we check a box to donate to world charitys or not?

This spending has got to stop and private people and business need to come to the rescue, I'm sure theres some co if not many that have huge interests in this country. They should be stepping up, rich people should open there wallets a bit wider.

The average American is getting sick of this....

Ron, what do you mean that the leaders do not pay tax? Seriously? Are you meaning just the President or most politicians?

I wonder if it's like that up here?
Ron, what do you mean that the leaders do not pay tax? Seriously? Are you meaning just the President or most politicians?

I wonder if it's like that up here?

They write bad checks also, they get away with all of it.