Search results

  1. HighTide

    Tampa RT Skid For Sale

    Charles from the Jacksonville area was the winner of the awesome skid that Russ at Southside Equipment and Rich at Seal 'n Lock put up for us contractors. Thanks again to you both for making this available for us to try and win. I noticed that this unit is for sale on Craigslist. Here is the...
  2. HighTide

    Pressure Problem

    I have been having pressure problems for over a month now. I have 18 hp Vanguard with TS-2021 pump with vertical hot box. Specs new were 3,500 psi @5.6 gpm. I have a one-year old green spring unloader on this unit. I can operate at 2,700 psi that spikes to 3,500. If I turn unloader up to...
  3. HighTide

    Help with Breakdown

    I blew what I think is my burst disc today cleaning bank drive thrus. It blew when I shut the ball valve after finishing my hot water cleaning. Why did this happen as I already seem to have a low pressure problem (2,800 psi) at my surface cleaner. I hooked back up without the burst disc and...
  4. HighTide

    This Month's Boom Lift Pics

    A couple of weeks ago, we cleaned up this four story bank building including detailed window cleaning. I called in Scott at Integrity Pressure Cleaning Plus out of Palm Coast to help out as I had never done windows before. The project turned out great, although the blue steel awnings proved to...
  5. HighTide

    Hoses Getting Holes In Them -- Why???

    I have had my second hose fail this month. Less than 3 months old with moderate residential use. A small pin hole developed near the middle of the 100 foot hose and shoots a fine mist through you continue to work, the hole gets bigger and more and more water sprays through it. The...
  6. HighTide

    Free Demo Leads to Several Jobs!

    I was finally able to do a free demo for a property manager on a very dirty side of a condo building about 2 weeks ago. The property manager, the PM company owner along with 3 other board members of the PM firm all showed up to watch this demo. I thought I was doing a demo for 1 person and ended...
  7. HighTide

    Pump Up Sprayer

    I am tired of buying pump up sprayers that only work for a month or two as the SH seems to really be rough on the different store-brands that I have used. I would like to buy one that can handle keeping a bleach mix in it all the time as I always like having it on hand to pre-treat a few heavy...
  8. HighTide

    HELP -- Pressure Isn't Right

    Here is my situation: My surface cleaner isn't cleaning the concrete very well and here is what I did today to check things. Tightened the belts as they have become a little loose over the past 18 months. Cleaned out water intake filter and checked water lines for leaks. Tested psi just...
  9. HighTide

    Delevan Pump Question

    My 5 GPM Delevan pump started leaking today and causing air to enter the lines as a crack appeared. After speaking with Bob at Pressure Tek, I mailed it to him for repair. My question is: Since I will be without this pump for at least a week, I bought a 2 GPM Delevan from Tractor Supply (the...
  10. HighTide

    A Very Good Weekend

    In addition to my Crimson Tide winning the SEC Championship...I just signed a contract with a painting contractor to pressure clean 41 two-story condo buildings for preparation to paint. Work begins on the first 2 buildings tomorrow morning. Schedule shoud be appoximately 2 buildings per week...
  11. HighTide

    High Tide Wins Gov't Project

    My company just won a government contract with National Homeland Security -- Marine Division to clean the 9 vinyl facilities that house their trucks, trailers and boats. They have hired me to clean these "tents" (3 different sizes) twice (first one now with second one in 6-8 months), inside and...
  12. HighTide

    Help With Bid -- Stucco on Concrete

    I have been asked to provde an estimate for cleaning up the stucco that has dried on the concrete and brick pavers of this home that just had all the house siding redone with new stucco. The front porch is the worst with the brick pavers showing spotting that can be chipped or scraped off. Will...
  13. HighTide

    Backache Prevention???

    There are several types of pressure cleaning jobs that give me a lower backache. Does anyone have a remedy to prevent this from occuring, such as using a certain type of back brace? I get it mostly by popping gum for long periods as I tend to bend down slightly. Maybe a longer lance for this...
  14. HighTide

    High Tide Wins City Project

    The City of St. Augustine has hired my company to pressure clean historic St. George Street in downtown St. Augustine. The city wants the top tourist area to look good when "Nights of Lights" begins on November 21st. Work must be completed from 10 pm to 6 am over the next four days starting...
  15. HighTide

    Need Help -- Condo Estimate

    This is a 3-story condo building (octagon shaped) that I have been asked to provide an estimate. Half the building siding is painted cement fiber board and the other half is shelldash (concrete with shell pieces in it to look like coquina). There are 2 exterior stairwells with one going to roof...
  16. HighTide

    Heater Hour Meter Question

    I have a newer hot water skid with an hour meter for the heater built in. I hit 18.6 hours on the meter and then it quit working. It shows something like "ccc 8.6" now and will not change even when heater is in use. What should I do to get it working again? Thanks for the PWI advice.
  17. HighTide

    Anyone Ever Use a Double Gulp Injector?

    This injector is sold by Envirospec and I was curious if anyone ever used one and how it compares to the x-jet or M5 as far as chemical draw %. Any opinions on this product? Thanks. Non Adjustable Double Gulp Injector With Ceramic Ball <TABLE class=store_display_item border=0 cellSpacing=0...
  18. HighTide

    Help---What Happened To My Surface Cleaner ???

    I need some advice to what happened to my surface cleaner today. I was cleaning a bank drive-thru and I lost pressure though my surface cleaner nozzles. After turning on its' side, I noticed a bad leak in the swivel. The water was pouring through the hole in the ring (SEE PIC). Did a plug come...
  19. HighTide

    My First YouTube Video

    I have taken the advice of others and made my first YouTube video showing off some of my company's work. Also included link on company's Facebook page.
  20. HighTide

    Hello -- New To Forum

    Hi all. I started my PW company less than a year ago. Mostly do residential but adding more and more commercial as time goes by. I look forward to chatting and reading a few good tips. I also look forward to attending a roundtable or two and getting to meet a few pros. My company could use a...