Search results

  1. Andy Hinson

    Renew Solutions

    Does anyone have any info on this company?
  2. Andy Hinson

    Renew Solutions

    Does anyone have any info on this company?
  3. Andy Hinson

    Finanacing Equipment

    I want a cold water portable 5.5gpm@3500 w/20 HP Honda. Pressure Pro or equal to. Anybody offer 6 months same as cash or better?
  4. Andy Hinson

    Price Breakdown

    Recently finished a concrete cleaning job for a contractor. Price was quoted by sq.ft. He is now telling me the company paying him needs the price broken down by labor,equipment ect... I told him it was broken down by sq. ft. He said that was not good enough. How do I handle this?
  5. Andy Hinson

    Portable unit for concrete

    Suggestions Please. What do I need to look for in a portable unit for cleaning concrete? I have skids, 5@3500 using 20"scrubbers. Would like to go bigger with the scrubber but 20" gets the job done.
  6. Andy Hinson

    Explaining black streaks/oxidation

    What is a good way to explain to people why their home and gutters might not come as clean as possible with regular house wash mix and price. Also, what exactly causes it to happen worse on some surfaces or why it happens at all. I find myself not wanting to quote the gutter upgrade at all...
  7. Andy Hinson

    Lost Two Jobs & That's O.K.

    Priced a job @ $360.00. Provided pictures,magnet card and information. She called a couple of days later. Can you clean it for $300.00. No I'm sorry I can't. Who beat my price? She told me. I informed her he had no business license or insurance. Did'nt matter. Priced a brick home with a small...
  8. Andy Hinson

    Photobucket,Photoshop,Other ?

    What program is best to download and share pics.
  9. Andy Hinson

    Washed aggregate driveway

    I bid a 6500 sq ft drive for $585.00. Got the job and learned a lesson. This stuff is harder to clean and takes alot longer to rinse than concrete. I will stay at .12 on next one. Lesson learned.
  10. Andy Hinson

    Apartment Complex

    I have been ask to bid on an apartment complex. They have received three bids so far. I drove there today just to look. This will be my first bid on something like this. All building exteriors, gutters, breezeways sidewalks. When bidding the concrete will they accept a sq.ft. price (.08) or do...
  11. Andy Hinson

    Injectable Stripper

    Anybody ever tried Powersolve Injectable Stripper? I saw it on The Sealer Store site
  12. Andy Hinson

    Foaming Nozzle

    I talked with a guy today. He said he foams his chemical on concrete. Dwells, then washes off. He also uses it for wood. Does anyone use a foamer?
  13. Andy Hinson


    There are a few of you that use a certain individual for your Pressure washing business insurance needs. I've seen his name on the site. John??? I need a contact number please.
  14. Andy Hinson

    What is considered average house?

    I understand about learning as you go. I cleaned my first roof Saturday, Sunday, today. Actually I only cleaned the front half of the roof with 40 gal. of mix. and ran out. thought I had good coverage. Sunday morning there were places that looked like I missed them. I went back up with 10 gal...
  15. Andy Hinson

    Round Table Game Plan

    We check in the hotel sometime after 3:OO PM Friday afternoon. Eager to get started. What next? When will an agenda and contact numbers be provided? Sorry if I seem a little impotent. No,No I ment impatient.
  16. Andy Hinson

    Workmans Comp Price

    I am trying to get prices for ALA.PRO WASH as a division of another LLC . The company holding my other business quoted me $ 1100.00. The others won't quote unless they quote both business's. So. How does the $1100.00 price look?
  17. Andy Hinson

    Oxalic Acid

    Little help now. I have purchased 5gal. of saferestore to remove what looks like mud stains on a brick foundation. From what I read ox might be worth trying. Is this wood bleach? Can it be bought from a hardware store? Is it liquid or powder? Thanks
  18. Andy Hinson

    Can you clean without brushing?

    When washing homes with siding on them of a light color. I can tell areas under the eaves are dirtier than the rest of the wall and does not become clean without brushing. This is really noitceable on homes that haven't been cleaned in 3+ years. The rain can't get to these areas. Question? Are...
  19. Andy Hinson

    Chemical ratio for houses w/out x-jet

    What should chem ratio for houses be DSing with 20% draw injector @5gpm? I have read you need 1-2% SH hitting house is this correct? If I were to use the FatBoy (sitting in the floor) what should solution be and how do you figure it?
  20. Andy Hinson


    Is the confirmation an E-Mail response?