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Your Thoughts

Wesley Teston

New member
Donald Sterling is a prick, no question about it. Said some terrible things, who hasn't? He has a record of this type behavior and being upfront with how he feels, weather right or wrong.

My question to you guys, for debate only. Is it ok to take a man's business ( forcing him out ) because of something he said in his own home? As bad as what his comments were, I'm not sure exactly on where I stand on this. There are consequences to his actions but forcing him out, I'm not sure about. He had sponsors pull out and I'm sure season tickets might go down because of this. Is that not enough? Players, coaches and all employees knew exactly how he was because of past law suites and they still CHOSE to play for him.

**Not defending Donald Sterling at all but where do we draw the line???
Absolutely not!! I agree he said hideous things, but they were taped in his house. He, as a business owner will pay dearly for those comments. But forcing him to sell and a lifetime ban. Over the top knee jerk reaction. I can't believe the media and NBA reaction. They said on talk radio EVERYONE IN THE NBA knew this is the way he felt, no action had ever been taken before.
The consensus is that he did say a lot a lot of derogatory things.However they will not be able to just take his business.While we are on this subject why is it when you listen to rap music it's ok for the n word to be used every other word an it's ok.Like this Nikki Minaje song I heard I was said a dozen times.Just something to think about or debate about.
Their is nothing in the nba by laws saying they can take the clippers from him for racist comments. If they do take the team away he can and will sue the pants off of the nba. He pissed the wrong powerful people off and now he is the patsy. This is the shiny object they want you to watch while they pass some bs laws and screw we the people even more.
He's a POS, we can all agree to that. No way it's ok to force him to sell his business, and imo it's not gonna happen. Imagine if another team owner making some gay remarks about some gay player :) Can they force him/her to sell his/her business too? Yeah, it's not ok and it's not gonna happen.
that was the weirdest, dumbest conversation i've ever heard
that was the weirdest, dumbest conversation i've ever heard

I'll assume he used some other words in the places they blanked it.

Both losers, not sure the punishment fits the deal.

Mark ferman tapes much worse he's collecting a pension. They awarded him with lifetime pay.

He seemed to be more worried about what the jones might think of him. Stuck in some time warp.

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I thought we could say what ever we wanted to in this country(freedom of speech). He should be able to say any thing he wants in his own house period. If people that work for him don't like his words then don't work for him. It sounds to me like his Gf is a money grubbing golddigger who set the whole thing up. Watch in the coming months who buys the team if it sells its gonna be one of the people trying to push him out.
Greg, your dead on. I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts and we feel the same. This was a total setup!!!

Magic Johnson wants to buy this team and this is step one in the process. Next in line interested in buying, Oprah Winfrey!

America is going backwards fast!! This crap is happening day after day.

Jay Z owns part of the Nets. He has made a living off saying bigoted crap in rap songs and he's praised and offered a share in the Nets organization. Silver says this is about protecting the NBA. Bullsh**!!

America is now full of wussies, worried about offending someone. This crap has to stop or my kids aren't gonna have much of a chance in this new world.
Greg, your dead on. I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts and we feel the same. This was a total setup!!!

Magic Johnson wants to buy this team and this is step one in the process. Next in line interested in buying, Oprah Winfrey!

America is going backwards fast!! This crap is happening day after day.

Jay Z owns part of the Nets. He has made a living off saying bigoted crap in rap songs and he's praised and offered a share in the Nets organization. Silver says this is about protecting the NBA. Bullsh**!!

America is now full of wussies, worried about offending someone. This crap has to stop or my kids aren't gonna have much of a chance in this new world.

I like this "Wesley" guy more and more everyday. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Jay Z owns part of the Nets. He has made a living off saying bigoted crap in rap songs and he's praised and offered a share in the Nets organization.

Actually, not trying to say anything or make any statement here. But Jay-Z does not own any percentage of the Nets. At one time he did own 0.67% of the Nets but he sold his 0.67% to Jason Kidd for $500K. The whole Jay-Z owning the team thing was just a publicity stunt because Jay-Z is from Brooklyn.

Look on the right side where it says Owner:
Owner(s)Mikhail Prokhorov (80%),Jason Kidd (0.067%)[SUP][1][/SUP]

Mysteriously, there is like 19.33% missing from the ownership though.

Just thought I would let you guys know, Jay-Z is not an owner. Not like that changes much in your argument but thought I would fill you in. But at one time he did own almost 1%...
Actually, not trying to say anything or make any statement here. But Jay-Z does not own any percentage of the Nets. At one time he did own 0.67% of the Nets but he sold his 0.67% to Jason Kidd for $500K. The whole Jay-Z owning the team thing was just a publicity stunt because Jay-Z is from Brooklyn.

Look on the right side where it says Owner:
Owner(s)Mikhail Prokhorov (80%),Jason Kidd (0.067%)[SUP][1][/SUP]

Mysteriously, there is like 19.33% missing from the ownership though.

Just thought I would let you guys know, Jay-Z is not an owner. Not like that changes much in your argument but thought I would fill you in. But at one time he did own almost 1%...
Thanks Ty! Always glad to be educated. So many publicity stunts and misinformation nowadays hard to keep up.
Thanks Ty, I didn't realize that. The percentage was small and as you say, it was a publicity stunt. You made my point stronger. It's ok for him to have a percentage of the team and it was highly publicized! He has said much worse in those albums! Sterling can't say what he wants to say in his own home???

Speaking of Brooklyn, Jason Kidd has been locked up for beating the crap out of his wife! What does that get you in life?? Head coaching job in the NBA.

NBA is not worried about protecting the NBA, their only worried about protecting some.
Jay Z’s bling from ‘whites are devils’ group
By Gary BuisoApril 6, 2014 | 6:55am
Modal Trigger

Jay Z with his wife, Beyonce, at the Nets game on Tuesday.
Photo: AP
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Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.
These are just some of the *beliefs behind the bling — the gaudy Five Percent Nation *medallions worn by Jay Z and Carmelo Anthony.
Last week, all eyes at the Barclays Center weren’t on Jay Z’s better half, Beyoncé — but on the coaster-size golden pendant swinging from the rapper’s neck as the couple sat courtside. Asked once if the group’s symbol — an eight-pointed star with the number 7 in the middle — held any meaning for him, the rapper shrugged, “A little bit.”
So what exactly do Five Percenters believe?
“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.
“Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”
The group was founded in 1964 in Harlem by Clarence Smith, who later changed his name to Allah, a former student of Malcolm X who disagreed with the Nation of Islam over the nature of God.
Smith rejected the notion of a supernatural deity and instead believed that all black men had God in them and that black women were “earths” who took on a complementary yet subordinate role to their gods.
The idea is empowering, Knight says.
“Anytime someone is saying you have to accept your conditions of oppression and slavery and pray to an unseen god — that kind of god is just being used to keep people down and to keep people from looking to themselves as a solution to their problems,” he notes. “If there is a problem, no one will fix it for you, except yourself.”
Five Percenters don’t consider themselves Muslim, but their name comes from the Nation of Islam’s belief that 5 percent of humanity are “poor righteous teachers” who exist to enlighten the masses about the truth of existence.
Members will sometimes refer to themselves as “scientists” to drive home the search for truth. And they face a tall task, because under their belief system, 10 percent of the world’s population controls the other 85 percent by spreading the belief in a “mystery God.”
To show followers the way, members must learn the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet — powerful tools to decipher the meaning of the universe. In both, each letter and number represents a concept: for example, 1 is knowledge, 2 is wisdom, while A is Allah and B is be, or born. The number 7 on Jay Z’s pendant stands for God.
Caucasians, meanwhile, don’t enjoy an exalted status in the narrative of the Five Percenters.
“The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: F–k white people. Seriously. White people are devils,” Knight, 36, who is white and converted to *Islam as a teenager, once wrote.
He insisted the movement has been welcoming and that he views the controversial sentiment as a statement about power rather than biology.
“For me, it is about who is marked as privileged in the power relations of this society,” he says.
Some followers take exception to those who transform their flag into a fashion accessory.
“Jay Z is not an active member — no one has vouched for him,” Saladin Allah, a representative of the group’s upstate region, told The Post. “It was always understood that you don’t wear the *regalia if you don’t totally subscribe to the life.”

Why was this not a huge deal? Where are sharpton and Jackson on this?