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Ex-Employee Gone Mad...

AZ PowerWash Pros

New member
So we had an ex-employee who we had to let go for wrecking one of our newer vehicles out of carelessness. He since joined another power washing company that I guess his family owns. He used a bunch of pictures off our Websites to post on his Craiglist ad, boasting the cheapest rates in the valley. In the ad he uses pictures of jobs we performed during the duration of employment with our company.

My business partner emails him stating he needs to take down the pictures because they are our property. Remind you, we sent this email thinking he was just another company stealing our pictures, not knowing he used to work for us or who it was. He replies back that the pictures are his property since he is in them and that he is the wrong person to mess with. And we find out he was an ex-employee through the response...

Yes the pictures might be his property if I did not have him sign a photo release form stating that any pictures taken during his employment belong to our company. So he is wrong on that one. We decide to ignore the hateful attack email where he claims he will damage our reputation in a round about ghetto form of communication.

So we call the company's number in the ad and find out he works for his family and they are apologetic and say they will take down the pictures. And the employee is related to them and works for them now. But the saga continues...

Now we are getting complaints on our BBB from made up customers that do not exist in our database. Luckily, the BBB is smart enough to not release the complaints unless they confirm he is really a customer for our company. But none the less, I am having our lawyers contact him this week. I don't really know what else to do.

How would you handle this situation?
Document everything in as much detail as possible (screen shots of his advertising, print out any emails ...). May want to suggest to the 'family' that you're prepared to bring slander charges against their company (as long as he works for them), if that applies (attorneys are good at that sort of stuff). They may just tell him to hit the road.

If he's vindictive, may wanna keep a close eye on your rigs and equipment too or make sure he can't get near it in the first place.
I would handle it just as you are. Contact your attorney and let them handle whatever steps need to be taken.
I am wondering if he is the guy that I have had apply. There are certainly some nut jobs out there.
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I can get Rocco a full time gig just dealing with Douche Bags in our industry...he's real good at it!! He charges by the piece.
You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Be the bigger person. Like it was mentioned above, document everything & avoid speaking in person or on phone (assuming counsel isn't already involved). Interpersonal communication can escalate & its your word vs. his.

If he is as bad as you say, everyone else knows it, too. Don't punch down.

Devil's advocate: What do you possibly gain by winning this? Legal fees, hard feelings from a loose cannon that knows your accounts, employees, etc. I know its the principle -- and that's important -- I've just had my share of disgruntled employees and I have some real horror stories. Sometimes I determine its best just to resolve quickly & move on.
This must be stupid employee week.I had to let my guy go today for doing something very stupid.We did a house this morning and there was a brick wall we had to wash that went along the street in front of the property.On the outside of the wall is the city sidewalk and a very busy street.He got on top of the wall and was walking it with the gun and wand cleaning off the top.We are so close to the street I told him when cars come by to stop cleaning so the overspray will not get on cars passing by.Well several cars came by and one of them blowed the horn,he sprayed there car right on the windshield.I thought I was going to die right there.The lady in the car turned around and came back to the job.She was very mad and was driving a very nice Mercedes.Cost me 145.00 for a detail.I had my employee call his wife to come and get him.And I fired him right there on the job and finished it myself.
This must be stupid employee week.I had to let my guy go today for doing something very stupid.We did a house this morning and there was a brick wall we had to wash that went along the street in front of the property.On the outside of the wall is the city sidewalk and a very busy street.He got on top of the wall and was walking it with the gun and wand cleaning off the top.We are so close to the street I told him when cars come by to stop cleaning so the overspray will not get on cars passing by.Well several cars came by and one of them blowed the horn,he sprayed there car right on the windshield.I thought I was going to die right there.The lady in the car turned around and came back to the job.She was very mad and was driving a very nice Mercedes.Cost me 145.00 for a detail.I had my employee call his wife to come and get him.And I fired him right there on the job and finished it myself.

Unfortunately that is becoming the case more and more these days, people with that kind of mentality. They don't care about anything but themselves and don't think about the consequences of their actions.

It really is hard to find good help.
Unfortunately that is becoming the case more and more these days, people with that kind of mentality. They don't care about anything but themselves and don't think about the consequences of their actions.

It really is hard to find good help.

You can say that again Chris. This is one of many reasons why I like working alone 95% of the time.