What is the REAL Color of Your Roof Shingles? Aiken, SC Soft Wash Powerwashing

Last week a customer called after finding our #1 Ranked website on Google about having his roof cleaned. We had just finished up cleaning a roof nearby, so I told him I will stop by in a few minutes to look at his. When I got there, I saw a "black" roof, with areas of light grey streaks. I knew that the actual color of the roof what MUCH lighter than its current appearance.
"How old is the roof?" I asked.
"About 8 years old" he said.
"Do you remember the color of the roof when it was installed?" I said.
"Well, sure, its BLACK" he says.
"Do you mind if I do a small demo spot to show you the REAL color of your roof?"
He looked at me quite confused, like I had just muttered something in a foreign language.

It took me about 5 minutes to put the standoff on the ladder, and get our cleaning solution onto a 4'x4' area of the roof. We stood and talked for about 10 minutes about the process, about the algae organism that was all over his roof, how we safely treat it, and what it means to the health of his roof. Then I gently rinsed the area with his garden hose, and took the following picture on my iPhone, and emailed to him right then.

I politely asked him to take a look at it in the morning and call me and let me know what he thinks.
The picture tells the whole story - and when his wife saw the email a few hours later, they called and immediately booked us to clean their roof:
View attachment 19977

What an amazing difference in curb appeal!
If you need a Professional, Licensed Contractor in Aiken, SC for your pressure washing, low-pressure safe roof cleaning, house washing or window cleaning in Aiken or North Augusta, SC, your BEST choice is Aiken Soft Wash.

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Bob Keenan
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