New fall menu? Don’t forget about your flue!

While us Southern Californians don’t really get typical fall weather, like New England and much of the rest of the country does, we can still enjoy a yummy pumpkin spice latte with the rest of Americans in October and November. Does your restaurant have a seasonal-inspired menu that’s featuring fall favorites like apple spiced pork, butternut squash, and sweet potato pie? You can get so creative with fall produce—why not?

Safety is #1

While the creative side of owning and/or operating a restaurant was likely one of the biggest draws to the food industry, the only way you’ll be able to execute your vision is by having set policies in place to ensure the safety and functionality of your kitchen. No restaurant can thrive if there are constant fire hazards that could lead to disaster, and fines for failing to follow city codes can be incredibly burdensome for new restaurants.

Services we offer at Flue Steam Inc.

We at Flue Steam Inc. provide restaurant owners and operators provide complete flue, exhaust system, and grease filter exchange services. We can also with regular maintenance of these components by checking belts, greasing bearings, and replacing parts. Let us handle all the heavy lifting to ensure your kitchen remains as safe as possible so you can focus on the more fun, creative aspects of the restaurant.

How it works

All you have to do is call 800-700-FLUE or email to schedule service. We can offer you personalized recommendations for which services would be most beneficial for your particular restaurant and situation. Many of our clients request hand scrape cleaning of their flues once a month, and steam cleaning each quarter, but if your restaurant produces a lot of fried or charbroiled foods, flue cleaning might need to happen more frequently. We’d be happy to discuss your options without pressuring you at all when you call 800-700-FLUE or email to get in touch with one of our representatives.

Emergency repairs, too

We are always available to you 24/7 to make emergency repairs that are extremely urgent. One of our company trucks and technicians will be right there to repair your fan motor, swamp cooler, automatic fire suppression system, or automatic gas shutoff valve whenever you call 800-700-FLUE. In addition, emergency cleaning service can also be requested at this number.

Can’t I just take care of these tasks on my own?

Technically, yes, you could probably handle doing these maintenance tasks without hiring Flue Steam Inc.. But why would you want to? You’re going to have to be super vigilant about making sure these tasks are completed each month in a timely, efficient manner. Take some stress out of your workweek and let the flue experts at Flue Steam Inc. take care of it instead. You’ll be able to focus more on what’s most important to you—making your restaurant successful, of course! When you schedule regular service appointments with Flue Steam Inc., you won’t have to worry about your flue meeting code and staying as safe as possible, because the experts at Flue Steam Inc. will always take care of it.

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