Ikeca strategic partner launches new software initiative in la

Learn about the impact adoption of The Compliance Engine could have on your business.


Earlier this month, the City of Los Angeles announced that it has entered into an agreement to adopt a new software tool to assist fire prevention bureaus in their mission of ensuring fire code compliance. The software, called The Compliance Engine, is provided by Brycer LLC, a strategic partner of the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association.

The main focus of The Compliance Engine is on testing and maintenance of fire protection systems, which is typically completed by third party companies. For example, at Flue Steam we offer inspections and maintenance for a key piece of kitchen fire prevention equipment, namely automatic fire suppression systems.

So how will adoption of The Compliance Engine affect your restaurant or other commercial kitchen?

Inspection Reminders: Well, for starters The Compliance Engine is going to make it easier for you to remember to get your routine fire suppression system inspections every 6 months as required by the National Fire Protection Association and your local fire authorities. The software will issue a reminder when it is time for your inspections, complete with the information about your inspector of record, which we hope will be Flue Steam.

Improved Record Keeping: By providing a seamless online channel between commercial building owners, equipment inspectors, and fire prevention bureaus, The Compliance Engine makes it much easier to keep track of all necessary fire suppression equipment inspection reports. No more worrying that the reports are going to somehow get lost between the inspector and the fire prevention bureau, or that issues with handwritten documents are going to cause delays that could make your inspection appear late or overdue. You also don’t have to worry about paper records getting destroyed by natural disasters as all data will be stored in the cloud.

Improved Public Safety: As a member of the community, your business will of course also benefit from what Brycer and the City of Los Angeles anticipate will be an overall improvement in fire safety in the city. For example, promotional materials for The Compliance Engine promise 100 percent code compliance.

Why Choose Flue Steam to Service Your Automatic Fire Suppression Equipment

Considering what an important role your automatic fire suppression equipment plays in the safety of your property and your employees, naturally you don’t want to trust your inspections and maintenance to just anyone. Fortunately, you can rely on Flue Steam to provide superior service whether you need an inspection or need the system reset after a discharge. We have over 43 years of experience in commercial kitchen fire prevention and we understand all kinds of automatic fire suppression equipment as well as relevant fire safety codes.

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