Ice Dam Removal

Midwest winters can cause havoc on the roofing material of your home or business, with all the snow and ice buildup that occurs during a normal winter it is important to keep an eye on the depth of the snow and ice that builds up.
While roofs can handle a lot of snow buildup, it is still a good idea to at least clean 2-3 foot of snow of the edge of the roof on an ongoing basis during the winter, this will help not only keep ice from forming along the edge, but when the temps warm up a little the snow melt will be able to run off the roof easier.
If you have an ice dam (thick ice buildup along edge of roof) that is causing issues or concerns with the roofing, could even be causing water intrusion into the house, building, then you should consider hiring a company like Roof Cleaner to safely and effectively remove the ice dams.
Ice dams should be removed with a machine that is made for this purpose, low pressure, low volume, steam only. A pressure washer that provides hot water is not what should be blasting away at the ice on your roof, this can cause more harm than good.
Also, do not use hammers or an ax to try and remove the ice, the chance of going thru the roof with those tools is too great.
So, if you are in the mid west and find yourself in need of some snow or ice removal from your roof, get in touch with Roof Cleaner and we will help you.
  • ice dam removal by Roof Cleaner 616-240-3465.JPG
    ice dam removal by Roof Cleaner 616-240-3465.JPG
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