zinc ????

Liquid Zinc Stain Stopper 1 Gallon

LiquidZinc® Stain Stopper - 1 Gallon

Mix with 8 gallons of water.
When mixed properly LiquidZinc® treats up to 4500 square feet of roofl.
Can be applicated with an ordinary garden pump strayer.
Do not stand on roof areas where LiquidZinc® has been applied - roof can become slippery.

Our LiquidZinc® is a color-free, zinc-ion rich, concentrated formula that coats the roof. These zinc-ions inhibit the growth of algae, mold, mildew, fungus, moss and lichen by creating an inhospitable enviroment for these stain and damage causing organisms.
When used with our other roof cleaning products, LiquidZinc® provides an initial dose of zin-ions until the zinc strip can release an adequate supply of ions to the roof area. 1 gallon mixed with 8 gallons of water can treat up to 4500 square feet of roof area.
Suggested Price . . . . . $ 48.95

Price: $38.95

And ....I'm think they would add it afterwards......... It probably does not go well with Chlorine. I never looked into it.