Your Prayers are Needed


New member
I would like each and everyone that reads this, if they believe in the power of prayer, that they say a prayer for my sister. Her name is Janet and she is 59-years old. You might say she seem to get all the bad luck compared to the rest of our family. First she had breast cancer about 10-years ago and had both breast removed. Problem solved. Three years ago, she found out she had colon cancer, again she had an operation and they got it. Last month she was told she had cancer on her overies (spelled wrong). Two weeks ago she had the operation and the doctor told her they thought they got it all, but wasn't 100% sure. They ran test on cancer they took out of her and they told her that it was a type 3. This is one short of telling you they can't do anything for you. The doctor told her that he wants her to go through a whole list of cemo treatments to make sure any that might still be there is killed. She asked the doctor if she was going to die this time, all he stated was lets see how the cemo treatments do which in her mind means she is going to die. Please keep her in your prayers if you would. She needs everyones prayers. She is having a hard time dealing with it again. Thank you! Hugh (copgib)
Prayers on the way for your sister Hugh. I hope all turns out well for her.
Prayers sent.
Hope the Gods inbox gets full for your sister! Best of luck to your sister. My prayers are sent!
Prayers will be sent Hugh. Tell your sister to keep fighting.
Im Praying for her.
Hugh, Your sister and family are in my prayers.
Once again I want to thank all who have put prayers in for my sister. She is a fighter and hopefully she will continue to beat this. Hugh
Prayers from INDY. We all think we have problems until these things happen.

Tell sis to hang in there. And don't hesitate to see another MD.
Hugh, I've been there. i had colon cancer 10 years ago. There's nothing like prayer for a cure. Your sister Janet and your family are in my prayers.
Guys I appreciate the prayers. I spoke to my sister today and she is in better spirits. I told her that many of my friends where sending prayers on her behalf and she started to cry. So to everyone, thank you and I am sure she will be strong and beat this cancer once again! Thanks Guys! Hugh