You guys missed the point.


New member
I thought I would start a thread with ideas on adding profits to a hood cleaning stop and maybe some other ideas would follow. Somehow it ended up with NFPA/filter selection and construction. My point was was just this, sell filters, make money. Here is another one. Offer fan belt service. If you carry a pail of belts from 4L200-4L400 in size you should be able to match justa bout any size belt. New England are has, for the most part, upblast type fans. Most common size 4L340-4L370. You can charge $30-$45 for a two minute job with belt cost avr.$8.00. If a customer has to get an electrician in to fix a broken belt they would charge $125-$200 in this market area. Just trying to offer up some info from 20 years in the trade.
Most of us sell filters. Belts are another issue, for lots of clear reasons.
Welcome to the PWI, Threads generally have similar topics addressed within them. Dont let it juke you.

How about bearing and motor replacement along with filters & belts?
You can buy your belts through your local lawn mower service store. I get my belts for about $5, heat and oil resistant. I try to keep 4 of every size from 240 to 360 on my trucks.

I leave the motor replacing to the electricians.
I offer belts,bearings.......ect. Maybe I'm doing somethng wrong cause i allso clean the dedicated air intake for the exhaust system, i thought everyone did this?:confused: The other services i offer is commercial custom ..ohhh and carpet scuptures....think i spelled that wrong ooohhh well
The other side coin is this-We just clean hoods only-belts and bearing go to the HVAC company. We do this for several reasons, mainly when you start and open that dome-you own it if the motor blows for whatever reason. Employees, water, nighttime, electricity, wrong belt size and call backs are some are the reasons. It is just not worth the hassle.:eek:
I know where your coming from David.
On some of these repairs a bearing puller and or press is needed to fix them properly. If you have these things at your disposal then its not so bad.

I dont mind switching out motors now and again.

Belts we do all the time. Got a call yesterday from a good customer who needs one changed out.

Josh, I like the idea of the oil resistant belts.
Cold air returns

Cold air return cleaning is another good income for us. The filters on the roof are washable mesh filters, vac out fan area and ductwork, clean returns in the hood, $450 -$750 every 1 to 2 years. As far as belt service, part of my contract spells out replacement only at time of service, just PM. We do not do any service calls on them. Another flip side to you open it you own it. I have had, over the years, many calls about fans not working sometime after cleaning, and guess what......broken fan belt. 20 years, 300-400 accounts, most with multiple locations/hoods, never once had damage done to customer fan(s) HVAC companies in this market area are so slammed with work, they dont like fan belt calls anyway.
And how many employees do you have?