Want to Save Money on a Roof and House Wash?


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Pressure Washer Products is celebrating spring cleaning.

We recommend using ammonyx lo in place of the Dawn or other surfactant.

The ammonyx acts as a sticking agent. PWP calls it Hang Tite! Unlike Dawn and other detergents, Am-Lo is sodium hypochlorite or chlorine stable. Using Am-Lo will allow your SH to remain active longer and work into the surface instead of running off of it. Because the SH can work into the surface with the help of the Am-Lo and with more punch, you will find that you will use less chemical. Using less chemical will keep more money in your pocket!!! (Money you can spend on the beach at the Florida rountable in July!)

Guys that use Am-Lo tell us that they love that the windows are left streak-free!

Am-Lo has a long shelf life if stored properly.

Use about 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon per 100 gallons of mix.

1 gallon / $14
5 gallons /$60
10 gallons / $110
20 gallons / $200
30 gallons / $270

The sale will end on Friday, April 23.

***Bonus*** We have a SH stable fragrance that covers the smell of the SH. It is a green apple flavor. We will randomly pick several containers and add the appropriate amount of fragrance to the Am-Lo and send them out this week. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to receive the green apple flavored Am-Lo.

Please email or call in orders. You may email orders to sales@pressurewasherproducts.com
or call (800) 519-9279.

Thank you for choosing PWP!

Lori has anyone tried this with a really hot caustic mix and better results than np9. I am tired of adding do much cleating agent to try to keep the surfactant in solution.
Kory, call my Father and he will get in touch with me. I have been there every weekend for the last two months! Whew!

We have a drum for you if you are interested.

LOL, Micah!!!!!!!!!!! It smells tempting...
Yes, it works well with caustic! The guys that do hoods love it to! We mixed it with oxalic for some fantastic results with rust stains.

Great question, Chris!
I have only used it on the roof mix formulas but I want to try it on a few other things, maybe this weekend and this coming week.

That is one of the best chemicals I have used!

That is amazing stuff!

That sure makes roof cleaning a whole lot easier, faster and saves me money!

Thanks Lori.