Video Demo,, can you view this?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
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Yes, worked for me...................worked with my RealOne Player.
worked for me windows media player.

i am curious why you covered up and removed all the labels on the surface cleaner?
i had problems with the video but did get it to work. Ron, if you can, shoot me an email. It is about what you are doing.
I can only download 7% of it on windows xp media player.
I gotta say, I don't think it would be too cool using your video. That is like using someone elses pictures.
i am curious (again) what is your presentation strategy?
do you obtain permission to send the free demo,or do you just show up take the demo and forward footage to appropriate parties?
Ron my number is 704 713 9274
call me anytime,i feel guilty for calling you because i know you are a very busy man.