Trace this back

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
I challenge anybody to trace this back to its source without finding that the company dealing with/selling/profiting from the compost paid a lot of money to get this law enacted.

As usual this has nothing to do with the environment, it has everything to do with using the government to force people to use your product.

For the first time in my life I'm beginning to not be in love with my country anymore. It's turned into something ugly.
I dont agree with it, and would probably fight it in my City.

However, as long as the federal government doesn't enact these laws, it is legal.

But what a shame we have people in power ANYWHERE that believes that this type of thing is ok to do.
I dont agree with it, and would probably fight it in my City.

However, as long as the federal government doesn't enact these laws, it is legal.

But what a shame we have people in power ANYWHERE that believes that this type of thing is ok to do.

Honestly Scott, I don't care if San Francisco or Berkeley enacts whatever regulations they want. I can always move. That's why I don't live in San Francisco anymore. I lived there through most of the 80's.

BUT, the feds follow California right into it's own mire. Whatever happens in California happens in the rest of the country sooner or later.
What about those with a garbage disposal in their sink? I can't toss food scraps in my trash cause no matter what type of trash can I have I get animals in my trash so 90% of my food scraps go in the disposal. We all know what solids go down the drain usually end up at the landfill anyways.
What has simply happened here is someone has found a use for the compost. Someone probably intends to capture the methane and convert it into a use as fuel.

Rather than present this to the public and take their chances in the marketplace they have decided to plant a bug in the ear of the tree-huggers with false claims of the dangers of methane gas (farts) and simutaneously pad the politicians hands with donations with the goal of capturing the market via legislation. Then everyone is forced to donate towards the making and selling of the end product rather than voluntarily do it or be paid to do it.

Let me give you a scenario we are familiar with:

Biodiesel - Say I want to sell Biodiesel on the open market. I can:
a) spend a little money going around buying used grease from restaurants and making my own biodiesel to sell. (This is the kind of capitalism America was founded on.)
b) spend a little money paying off politicians and pumping the media with false claims of the danger of used grease. 20/20 and Nightline could have a field day showing pictures of grease behind restaurants and you could hire a firm to say it causes cancer if it is behind a restaurant. Work up a frenzy about it, then have the politicians REQUIRE that the restaurants pay to have it removed.

If you choose a) you have to pay for gathering the raw product and refining it.
If you choose b) you get paid to pick up the product and just simply price the pickup at a rate that allows you to refine the product for free. Then you sell the product at full price and keep all the profits. (Except for what you owe the politicians.)

Who loses? Everyone does.

Remember when car insurance became mandatory for everyone? Who do you think lobbied and spent MILLIONS to get those laws passed in the individual states? The insurance companies promised lower prices. They delivered higher prices. Now they have the entire country on a leash and they rape the younger, older and those drivers who dare to live in Gestapo states where the police hide behind every corner to collect their paychex via the radar gun.

Because of this type of behavior being acceptable we have a government that is full of those looking to benefit from situations like this (Harry Reid) rather than giving their time as servants of the people and working for our best interest.

Most of the founding fathers were educated and somewhat wealthy. Most of them lost a lot and many of them lost all they had fighting for us. How does that compare to the scum we have representing us today from the city council to the white house?

Change needs to start somewhere. The American people as a whole are so selfish and ignorant they only care about any issue if it affects them directly, right now.

If you think this way of expanding your business is acceptable speak up. I'd like to hear it.
Thank you Tony. Your post are great. Who needs the news, just read Tony's post. Isn't it funny how the whole perception is changed when it is not someone getting paid to report news. Great post, and as always... very entertaining.