This Keeps Me going!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Hey Rex and Lori Great Job!! It's always good to give back to the industry!!

I wanted to give a shutout to Ron. I had a 5 Story Parking Garage to clean and degrease, a little over 230,000 sq ft. I've never done 1 square ft. of a Parking Garage before. Of course I didn't let that scare me off. I sold myself and my company to the customer and they used me without getting any other bids.

Of Course after I got the OK then I figured I'd better get some knowledge about what to do, what to charge etc. I called Ron and he gave me some great help. Thanks once again Ron!!

Hey Thad, great before and after picture on that roof, check out this one that I did recently!

This was a Poster at WCR I help Last Month