TEXAS Networking & Pressure Washing Event Nov 2009 Skid Give A-Way –

That is an interesting idea, I really would like to pay the difference to get the 5.5gpm pump on there but I guess that would also mean the larger engine but maybe a larger coil/burner assembly, Sounds like it will be some money, maybe I should just win that machine and put it to work. hahahahahahaha
LOL - you guys are too funny - this conversation is so moot because I'M GOING TO WIN THIS ONE!
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So far General Pump and Goodway Technologies have donated things to be drawn for such as a pump {yet to be named} and halogen work lights, and much more.
So far General Pump and Goodway Technologies have donated things to be drawn for such as a pump {yet to be named} and halogen work lights, and much more.

Lets start a list of things for these guys Larry
That would be cool if Goodway gave away one of those
Steam "Gum Buster" type machines, that would be great!

I am very excited for this event, wish it was already here but I have to wait a month, O well.
I just wanted to say Thanks to Rahsco, Ron Musgraves and NCE for putting this event together. It is the last great event of the year but for those that do not know, they are giving away a HOT WATER SKID!

Those are easily valued over $5,000 dollars but this one has some new features that a lot of other brands out there do not have so if you were to have trouble, they make it a lot easier to locate the problem before you even leave the jobsite.

There will be some great demonstrations that will help you earn more money before the year is over and should help you bring in a lot more money each year thereafter.

One reason that I really like the event being in Fort Worth, Texas is that it is in driving distance, only about 7 hours driving from where I live so anyone that lives in Texas should be able to drive there within 10 hours easily and that is even if you live near the Mexico Border.

There have been some very great events this year (I have been to a lot of them) but this one is kind of special to me because when I win the HOT WATER SKID, I can just have them load it into my truck (which I will be driving up there) and drive home with it. hahahahahahaha

The event is a month away and they are packing that Saturday full of things do see and do but typically at a Round Table, you will learn great things before/after hours by networking with colleagues from all around the country.
This is one of the least promoted things about a Round Table. Usually the Thursday nite or Friday nite before a Round Table a lot of people meet up for dinner and just hang out and get to know each other and you make new friends and catch up with old friends you have not seen in months or years.

Networking is one of the greatest benefits of a Round Table that is least spoken about because sometimes people do not think that much about it but the more friends you make, that is a lot more chances you have of having somone pass you a job lead, give you some great advice when you need it about a job that you are new to or not sure about, someone that you can help the way you got help in the beginning, etc...

I am hoping that more of the Texas contractors will be attending than what have attended the other Round Tables because the economy is worse than it has been in many, many years and it is a greater chance for all of us to network together and build better friendships and start having regular meetings here in Texas so we all can network more together. Some might not like the idea of networking but when you look at the bigger picture, that is a lot more opportunities to work together on jobs, pass job leads around for those jobs that are out of your working area, let others know about things going on that they might not have heard about, etc...

The event in Fort Worth is going to be great and I know I will get more information to help my business make it in the years to come by attending this upcoming Round Table and the great networking opportunity being presented there, Hope to see you all there.

Have a great day!
So, if I am reading this correctly, for each Round Table you have been to, you get an extra chance for a key for the Hot Water Skid?????

Come on guys keep the Donations comin in.....
I cant wait this will be my first RT.
That is a great prize also, Cool!
I just received a response from Scott Lindholm at MTM Hydro. They are donating Turbo Nozzles,Triple Function in orifice sizes 4.0 & 5.0.
The list is growing! Don't miss this event!
Larry, I know your phone number but you don't have it in your signature, not sure if you want it there so people can call you or if you don't want it there, just a fyi.
Disposable ear plugs for all and safety glasses for 50 people at a time will be provided for those watching the demos.