surface cleaner

I can tell you that for me as well for many of my freinds in the biz. It is easier and faster to have the gun on the side. I have tried it both ways because I can. I did a bank drive thru on waith the surface cleaner and stoping to get the gun at the same time. Then on the next bank I just went over with the sureface washer and then came back with just the wand for the finnal rinse. It took longer to do it with the wand. That is what I foun out when I tried it. I am always trying to save or cut down on time. I found this to save a few minutes. I am sorry I don't rember the exact amout of time it saved but it saved time.That is my last two cents about this subject. I guess ut comes down to what you like , but for me the gun on the side saves time. :)
Ok but

Dominic A,
John and I both said we do not stop to use the wand at the same time as using the surface cleaner we use it at the very end with the final rinse. Your way has you stop at each piece of gum or whatever during the surface cleaning, we get them all at the same time while rinsing, thus saving time without the stop and go at each piece or each stain. I have personally tried both methods and I find doing this in the rinse step saves about 8-10mins per 2,000 sq ft.
My Final .02! :cool:

Andrew/Safe Clean
Fair enough

You bet! your method works for you and mine for me. If there was just one set way to do it them we would not need this board everyone would know what to do. So I see it one way you see it another. Oh yea I looked in my pocket and found two more cents.:D

P.S. Don't you still have to stop at each piece of gum to get it off.

Oh one last thought if there is a buch of gun I just use my turbo tip to clean and blast off gum in one sweep. Man I just looked I have a bunch of change in my
I need to add something here, I don't go back to the machine, I use either 5500 PSI or/and 7000PPSI ball valves, just shut the valve, disconnect the hose from the surface cleaner and into the wand and pop gum and rinse backwards.

Two things happen, one your are taking the hose back to the rig and two, your finshing up the job.

So your asking me what about the surface cleaner, helper takes it back OR when I work alone I do the job in sections, example I break it down to 4 sections, surface clean one, rinsh it and back to surface cleaning towards the end. Then just take it all back trailer.

Like Dominic said, what works for one might not work for someone else but we all find a method that works for us.

There really are not many ways to do this type of work. Heck the surface cleaner does most of it for us.
I foud a good bit in My Pocket Too! LOL

Your definetly right about the turbo nozzle I only have cold water so this is the method I use. I usually use the turbo for my final rinse so no switching, I use the turbo to rinse unless it is really bad, the blowing pressure combined with water is great!

I wasn't trying to say that your method was wrong, please dont take offense as you said one for me the other for you. We wouldn't have so many choices and methods if we went solely on one individuals preferences. TO EACH HIS OWN.

You have a great evening it was a pleasure campaigning each of our's own preference. But I think my pocket is beginning to become a bit on the light side I'll save a bit for tomorrow since I will probably be out of town for the weekend with no computer.

Try to avoid those jobs with lots and lots of gum if possible but hey have FUN in the Water!

Andrew/Safe Clean
Hey Jon Gotta Agree

The Ball Valves are one of the greatest inventions ever It probably saves 20 mins or so on a large job I work alone about 98% of the time so basically I am using the same techniques that you have mentioned throughout this post.

Well I might have to take back what I said about the ball valve being one of the greatest inventions ever because as you said the surface cleaner does most of the work I would have to say the surface cleaner out weighs the ball valve by a mile but I wouldn't give it up for anything.

Andrew/Safe Clean :cool:
Don't worry be happy

Na, I did not take any offence at all. It was good to see both point of view on this subject. Have a good week-end!:cool:
Who to address first, Dominic or Andrew?

Heck why not lump em together since they both love getting WET!

Dominic I am glad you saw both sides to the issue evenly knowing we are helping each other here.

Andrew, I to work mostly alone but since it is at night and I knew going into this business we should not work alone for safetly reasons I have been taking my helper with me more and more.

Heck it is geat too, once you train them your way you can switch off, one job you surface clean and he rinses, next job you switch.

I also use a blower at every job first to get all the leaves, paper and other misc. out of the way, I don't just blow it off the walkway but all the ways across the drive so that when done my job looks good.

Hey the sweeper the comes in the night will pick it up anyway.

Downside is sweepers get to some jobs before I do, then I do sweep it up and into a trash can.