streaks on aluming siding???


New member

I did an aluminum house yesterday, and I used a degreaser/detergent called Powersolve green. Now it seems that a lot of the siding is streaked, most likely from the chems....any advice on how to fix this?

I'm thinking of making a solution in a bucket and brushing the siding...i'm not sure of how else to get rid of them.

I don't seem to have this problem on vinyl, is there any way to prevent streaking on aluminum or vinul in the future?

(also, if anybody has any tips on how to prevent the seams of the vinyl from leaking dirty water after you've washed, let me know)
Hmmm... looks like you're gonna learn fast. The dirt below the siding comes from washing and getting water behind the vinyl. While washing a house, wash downward on the siding and don't was into the seam where the vinyl overlaps. Take a good look at the house before you wash.

Walk around and plan out how you are going to wash it. Look at potential problem areas. Move things that are hanging on hooks and nails. Flowers and all that. You'll see each side of the house, the siding overlaps in one direction. Plan your wash.

Some water that gets inside the breather holes in the siding.. there is nothing you can do about that. This is called weeping. The siding will do that and what we do is go back around the house and wipe the weeps. 16 foot extension pole with some sort of rag would work well on it.

The aluminum... I don't have time to get into that right now...
if anybody has ANY ideas please post them, the lady wants me to go back tomorrow and I don't have any ideas of how to fix it other than my previous one (brushing it with the same chemical and rinsing immediately)

or if you've experienced this before on other types of siding let me know as well.
Are you sure it is clean and dirty streaks? Or are the streaks that look like dirt where some of the paint has started to come off of the siding? I have seen aluminum where it looks like it is still dirty and the more you try to clean it the worse it looks. Be careful not to damage the siding.

Im guessing the chemical you used (like most sod. hydroxide degreasers) said not to use it on painted surfaces or aluminum:(
I have never heard of it and cant be sure.

But for future reference : Don't use sodium hydroxide based degreasers on painted surfaces (UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING). Strong concentrations of this chemical are used to strip and dissolve paint and heavy grease and to open drains, It will damage any painted surface and softer metals (ALUMINUM) if not used at the proper strength.

I haven't seen the damage/streaks so I can't tell you how to fix it.

Good Luck!

you can always call these guys and get a quote on new siding
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this particular degreaser is not sodium hydroxide based. it is however very basic (13) and I just checked the MSDS sheet and it says "strong oxidizing agents" so....would that be bad for aluminum siding? And if so, what should I use to try to fix things?

Buy some 675 from Steven Rowlett, and rewash the house, it should take care of it..... Just washed a ten year old aluminum house, they took the shutters off, you can see where they sat, blend in perfect....


Im new to this two, I just done a alum. siding yesterday that was black with mold when I started on a small part of the house it streaked like crazy, I liked to shit when I seen it start but as,rinsed the streaks went away then when the house dryed they were gone all together . What it turned out to be was the oxidation running off. After I finished the house I put on a cheater wax and the house shined like a babies but, the customer and his wife liked is so much they gave me a $25 tip. And want me to do the house every spring. What I used on the house to clean was 777L. then I bleached and put on the wax. Rinse Rinse Rinse seemed to be the key.

Now as far as the weep holes I had that problem two I just poasted my trouble not long ago and got some great tips.I just had to keep wipping the weeping with a rag untill it stopped. I found out after i finished the house that the siding was put on with plain old nails and the yellow weeping was probly rust from the nails. That house was a PAIN in the but big time.
Edmonton, take a look at those streaks. Are the streaks there because you are removing paint? There will be oxidation to remove, but how much is coming off? Usually the primer behind the aluminum is a grey color. Take pictures to help. You got yourself into a pickle and we'll try to help but pictures and a very detailed description is only going to help the cause.

You are welcome to call me if you need immediate assistance.

Hydrofluoric Acid

If you've not used it before read the warnings and follow the directions carefully.

Since you've been on the bulletin boards for awhile now I'm sure you've probably read what that guys around here say about this chemical. You should pay attention to their words.
hydro on alum sideing, you guy's are crazy.
You better go with phouspheric acid.
Then agin i wont wash alum sideing anymore. It's just not worth it.
Hey Scott K.,

What kind of wax did you use?
The wax I used is the same stuff you would use at a car wash,I mixed 3oz to 5gal of water and it worked out real good didnt leave any spots on the windows either. Where I bought the stuff he said most people call it a wax but it is a sheating agent it left a nice little shine on the alum house and looks better on vinal.Its not somthing that will last a long time but it realy made the customer happy. I can get the name of the stuff if you would like it, right now its 1am and its out on the truck. One gal.of this stuff cost me $6 and that will go a long way with only 3oz to five gal. after the house was clean I just droped my line in the bucket put it on the house only took 10min to 15min tops. After it was on the house I hit it with some water and you could see the water bead and run off.
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