store bleach/12.5%


does anyone know the equivalence of store bought bleach and 12.5%. in other words how many gallons o store bought bleach equals 12.5%?
12.5% is the weight of sodium hypochlorite by volume per unit measured , it takes two and a half times the weight to equal 12.5 % but you cant get there by adding it up it has to be diluted down , in other words you can dilute dow to get to 5% but you cannot raise up so you have to buy 12.5 unless you are trying to arrive at a mixture that would have to be diluted anyway.
the 12.5% is a little on the pricey side where i live. i can only get it at a pool equipment store, so probably can't get contractors price. how much do you guys pay per gallon?
cool, how do i get to shoot 2% threw my m5. no propotioner in a 5ver
189 here in va. got 110 gal in the yard i know the mix for apple sauce, but gotta figuer out the mix for house wash. ive been using store bleach
189 here in va. got 110 gal in the yard i know the mix for apple sauce, but gotta figuer out the mix for house wash. ive been using store bleach

its almost five bucks here!:eek:
189 here in va. got 110 gal in the yard i know the mix for apple sauce, but gotta figuer out the mix for house wash. ive been using store bleach

if your using the m5 and store bleach with a 5 gallon bucket i wouldnt even use any proportioners, just start with a weak mix and try if not strong enough continue to make stronger until its right but make sure to record how much you are using.
cool going to brooklyn for a baptisim, ill get 55 gal and put it in my car on the way back.oh i thought you meant 5 for 55 gal. ill bring you some
i need to use up this 12% what ratio? with no propotioner in a 5ver? for house wash? the reason i dont use the propotioners is that i could figuer out how to put the damn things in lol:D
Mike did you ask for a discount?
In Ohio I could only get 12% at the pool supply store, I intro'd
myself and ask for a discount. What's the worse they can say?
It was $4 a gal. and they gave it to me for $3.
That's why I don't have prob with cold calling, the worse can tell me is no.
99% they at least take my business card
i need to use up this 12% what ratio? with no propotioner in a 5ver? for house wash? the reason i dont use the propotioners is that i could figuer out how to put the damn things in lol:D
maybe i will ask for a contractors discount since i will be buying bulk.
if your using the m5 and store bleach with a 5 gallon bucket i wouldnt even use any proportioners, just start with a weak mix and try if not strong enough continue to make stronger until its right but make sure to record how much you are using.
Hey Mike, You can downstream 5.25% quite effectively. A good downstreamer, synergistic soap and Dwell Time. So what if you have to reapply aint luggin buckets, spillin em and trippin over hoses!

I x-jet when I need stronger chem and consider it a very valuable tool. Having both is great. What debate? :)