soap scum


New member
I bought some truck wash from envirospec the prodigy, and i mixed it like the company said to it was in dry form. and after rinsing it off and letting it dry there were white runs from the top of the truck running down. i rinsed it off well and now the runs are on there to stay does any one know how to remove them and stop it from returning. this was the first time using this brand is there any one out there that has used this prodigy, and was it good or bad. maybe I got a bad batch.
What color is the trk.?,is the chemcal used the only one that was applied? how did you apply it and at what was the mix mixed at? Are the runs all over the trk. or are just a few? Are they comeing from behind something like mirrow breckets,enblems?
Yes,I've used the chemcal you used but with no problems.
all mixed up

well big boy it must be me. I mixed 40 pounds in a 55 gallon drum but it was powder and maybe it didn't all mix well together. the runs are just from the top all the way down it looks good wet but when it drys you see the white streaks, whats the best way to mix it all together and how do I remove the streaks. thanks rof the info.:D