Private Insurance

If you use a payroll company they are usually set up pretty good. Even some of the smaller payroll providers have access to good coverage. We have the golden holy mama luka coverage plan, after all I'd rather give it to the insurance company as a pre tax deduction rather then take a charge on it on my taxes.

Call around and see what they got, I looked into the bigger companies over the years, and they seem to not be that helpfull unless you are going to hav a 20k payroll ALL THE TIME. Well as we all know that is kinda hard to do all the time even for bigger outfits.

But like I posted a few months ago, certain states require equal coverage for all in the company. If you decide that your company is going to pay fro your health benefits, then your company needs to pay the same amount for every employee. So if you want to have your company pay 100% of your coverage, then that needer to be reciprocal for all in the company.

BUT, a new slick "scheme" of sorts is being played out by the payroll companies, they have you, the owner start another company to act in a management capacity, there fore your sable to pay yourself the 100% coverage and not have to do the same for the employees. BUT, your new company needs to have income (taxable) coming in, just to pay for your ""coverage"", some accountants see this as the outright fraud that it is, and some say that creative bookkeeping is all that is going on. Well I would not take the chance, I would rather just pay for all and be done with it.
Obama's got you covered Guy.......Don't worry about it.

I've got VA coverage and we've paid cash for Shelly and Fayth for years.

In case of the need for catastrophic care we've hold in reserve "BK" insurance as a last resort.

I just refuse to contribute to a system that bills us $500.00 till they find out we don't have insurance, then readily take $80.00 cash.

Or a system that normally bills $500 and takes $4.00 from medicare yet charges me $80 cash!!!!!!!!
