
Robert Quinn

New member
I've got an 80,000 sqft building on my hand, and it is about 70% pebble dash, or mortar stone mix. Pressure would KILL this exterior. So, I need to give it a softwash. I am trying to approach this as smart and realistically as possible. That is one hell of a building, and will be a hefty quote. How would you guys go about this?? Mold and algae are light, but visible... moss in some areas. Which equipment would you use...

Here's what I am thinking. I want to test a small area using a low pressure DS with about 50/50. Dwell time of about 20 minutes, and then a low pressure rinse. If that is too weak, stepping it up with a delevan with a hotter mix. I am scared of that, because I would expect about 1/3 of the way through, the pump just burning up on me...

By the way... first post. I think... :)
I've got an 80,000 sqft building on my hand, and it is about 70% pebble dash, or mortar stone mix. Pressure would KILL this exterior. So, I need to give it a softwash. I am trying to approach this as smart and realistically as possible. That is one hell of a building, and will be a hefty quote. How would you guys go about this?? Mold and algae are light, but visible... moss in some areas. Which equipment would you use...

Here's what I am thinking. I want to test a small area using a low pressure DS with about 50/50. Dwell time of about 20 minutes, and then a low pressure rinse. If that is too weak, stepping it up with a delevan with a hotter mix. I am scared of that, because I would expect about 1/3 of the way through, the pump just burning up on me...

By the way... first post. I think... :)

How are ya Robert?