no joke forum.. good!


i'm so glad you don't have a joke forum. they have gotten so outta line on the other board. the language and content, etc.

also, thanks for not restricting the links and suppliers.

I appreciate the positive enforcement and we wont be having any forums that are questionable. We will remain professional and clean so the bb will remain respected.

I’m not opposed to a good joke every now & then. There’s just the right place and the wrong places and this is a pressure washing bb and if you can’t say it in mindless blabbering section then maybe it shouldn’t be said. Know don’t anyone take offense to my opinion. Its just mine and I have one everyone knows that.

Roy, I’m glad you found our bb and welcome.

As far as me viewing the joke section I cannot access Dan Flynns BBS anymore I have been thrown off. For awhile I could read, they I got caught e-mail my friends telling them about the bb and he kicked me off completely and now I can’t even read. I not mad, a person does what they gotta due. I’m just glad that I invite people on our board to e-mail get together and share others bbs at there leisure. I’ll never need to worry about the risk of someone taking from our bb because I invite you to take all you want. If you give some back that’s great. I have invited Dan to the bb many times and I have offered him to e-mail our members and let them know about his bb if he wants. I don’t care if contractors know about all the bb. Its nice to be free!!!!!!!!

Talk with later and welcome to your board. LOL
Gee Roy and Ron, what was wrong with the jokes I found and posted?

I personally am not a joke teller, when I see one on the internet that makes me laugh I would post it, unless it was beyond a certain degree of cleanliness.

Sure Dan has now added a section for those jokes that might offend some, and sure I have posted a few there but only because others have asked me to continue doing so.

It does get boring after awhile though.

One thing Ron said about this board is he wants it to remain proffessional and I do feel it is. Jokes section or no joke section.
Come on boys

What is the big deal about a joke forum? I think if we are going to start to share information and knowleged we need to get to know each other both on a professional level and on a freindship level. And telling jokes sometimes help break the ice for people to be more at home and comfortable to share info. So these are my thoughts about jokes. These are just my thoughts no need to rag on other peoples boards. Both are good each in there own way.:D

okay boy's and girls here is my thought on this issue..............(for what its worth )...............

this is a great board no question.....also..........>>
Flynn's board is just as good...............................

please from here on out leave the other board alone so what"s the big deal if there is a joke section does it really really getting sick of all the comparision's there really a war between boards going on here?
it's like anything else if you dont want to read it dont click on it....same here if you dont want to read on marketing why waste your time clicking on it and finding problems with about the links section .....i find it very informative here but some may be upset that we have that much info.......... again bigdeal.....

i for one come here and else where to learn and get alot of info. i dont come here to pick a fight or compare boards......and i suggest everybody else do the same...............

you will never gain respect this way..........i dont care who you are......

besides READ it It says if you find this offensive dont enter........
you may say what you want and reply as you may see fit ....but if this continues ...........>>>> SHAME ON YOU<<<<<<<<

LETS BE AS PROFESSIONAL AS WE CAN........ simply put if you dont like Flynns board dont go there....same way with Daves board and all the others........... i spoke my mind im sure i made some or all mad ...... but i really dont care anymore im not going to sit down and keep my mouth shut over this ......regardless of any circumstance that may happen..........GROW UP.........IM I ALONE HERE OR WHAT??????????...
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I agree with you about comparing boards and I personally feel all in this line of work should get alone with the others, sure there are going to be those we do not agree with and a few most of us won't/don't like for one reason or another.

About Dan and Ron, I see no war going on, I do feel both have good boards, good idea's and want to help the industry as a whole.

I really don't care if there is a joke forum or not, here and on any board for that matter and as I said I did not miss not posting, I was nudged to post again.

Heck I can put the links to the web sites I get jokes from here if that is what people want.

I too am on the boards to learn, share and enjoy the comradieship of others. Teasing and kidding each other in post is all part of it as long as we all know the limits and not cross them.
maybe i should "clam" up...............naaaaaaaaa
i just want to say #@$$$%$&>>***&^~~%$$%and i dont do ^^%%$$#$#@@@!&&*((**)()()()(&&^(*)(*)UYUYUY&&&%^%&&%& but when i ##@!+++_}{}{**&&^ i get all %%%$^$$##@@ all over weeeeeeeeeeeee boo**& a &&^% lihetsdfg
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i said my abc next time wont you sing with meeeeeeeeeeeee...................


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we all have heard "give an inch and take a mile". Clean jokes are great, vulgar jokes are outta line (on contractor bbs). think about the women, christians and the like on these boards who may look for a good joke and find trash. most vulgar jokes somehow degrade at least one person or group. i don't read them anymore.

maybe my standards are to high.

i'm glad to be an american. god bless america

by the way... who said they didn't like dan's board?

i represent my ethics through my business my home and to all bbs. some people open mouth and insert foot.

would you tell a customer a vulgar joke?

thank goodness its a free country
Roy, great point about customers reading boards and seeing contractors behaving that way. What about the sponsors if I had sponsors would I want them to represented that way? NOT.

I do have customers coming to the bb and I have and idea how to get more. I’m glad you brought that to my attention, I first thought you where being a little anal. But I see your point clearly, politically correct on this one for sure. If we could be sure our customers where not watching then we would be able too do as we please.

Yeah no ones bashing Dan’s BBS I like powerwashnetwork I helped build it, it’s a great site. Many hear are a part of that site and this one. It’s your choice to say and do what you want if you’re gentlemen about it.

Read write and talk about dirty jokes I do sometimes as well, I just feel mixing business with dirty jokes doesn’t really make for a good idea. I don’t condemn anyone for something I do myself. I just choose to keep that stuff private.

Not to bring Beth or Bridget into the wolves den. I’m curious about the women’s opinion on this subject. Remember children can access the site.
Awesome point Roy.....and well taken.....thank's.....................

i throw up a guard when i see a comparisions of bb's i my-self will visit and post on Flynn's board........which one is the best?? wellllll

i know the answer but what would it do for me to say.....

maybe i need to keep my feet outa my

lets just all be friends............< i read that some where<<

i will quit before i get the boot lases cought in my teeth..............


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To the ones that don't know about me being mostly deaf, when people tell jokes, (not printed ones, verbal to our face) I really don't hear it but a split second after others laugh I laugh too.

Fools em everytime, why I never tell jokes to peoples faces, I never heard it to start with.

As far as jokes go online in any bbs, I would not miss it if that forum was removed. As I said before I stopped posting but kept getting Email to post them again.

I really don't want people to think that the type of jokes I have posted is how I am as they would be wrong.

Sure I don't get into religion and politics here as a rule, and I try to avoid it period but one word I HATE, and I doubt anyone can truly explain to me what it really means.


(To me it simply means don't offend, do as we want you to, say as we want you to say or get lost.)

Enough, and Dan S. did you have some ants in your pants when you tried to type #@*^%(*^#_@#(*^_)*$ or did you have CAPS on???????????????? your funny man:)

NO I won't sign with you either, can't do that well. You would laugh so hard California would have another earthquack.
I'm with Roy on this one. I hardly ever read the joke forum section on the other bb because for one it bores me to tears. Just my opinion. I come to these bb's for business reasons and occasionally for as Ron puts it Mindless blabbering.

Jokes almost always get crude and rude which I don't mind (I seen Andrew Dice Clay Twice in concert and he is the king of foul jokes) but for a respected Powerwashing business board it doesn't seem to fit in. And if the Jokes are Racy then the respect value of the bb will go down the drain. Then the credability is shot.

Alot of people get turned off by crude Jokes(I don't) and thats just the way it is. So I would be against a joke forum on a respected business bb. Just my opinion.

John/Clean County PW

thanks for your support with this. that kind of content does not belong on a business site. does GM, Ford, IBM, etc have that kind of content??? NO! we gain respect from others and we lose respect from others, by the way we conduct ourselves.


i'm not sure exactly what you have posted in that joke forum. again, i choose not to read them. you seem to be well respected on the bbs. lots, and lots of posts from ya and the ones i read, most are a pleasure. especially when they pertain to the power washing business. even though i don't flat wash, your input in this area is very valuable to me just in case the customer does have a question on such. if it weren't that lots of your type work is after hours, i'd consider trying it myself. you see, my main job now has me working odd hours and has been for 28 years so enough of that!!!!!


i feel there is a time a place for everything. it's just my opinion that this is not the place for dis-tasteful jokes. most sites that i have visited are up for specific reasons. however, i understand our freedoms in our great country. this is why i started my business, because i could!

dan s,

i don't hold anything against ya. we all feel certain ways about certain things. i'm not old, but old enough to forget things.

now, your !@#$%^&*( , etc caught my eye. you put up post lots also. i don't remember you ever doing that before, even though you basically said you can't let this subject go.. i appericiate that you voice your opinion and you also have given me lots of ideas and help. please remember, there are lots of people who read these boards. we are all here to help each other and those who are not in the business could read into our remarks something totally wrong. sometimes the way we write things does not really reflect our intent... humor, seriousness, sorrow, etc. over the years i have seen many emails (and some that i have sent) that truely did not represent our true thoughts. when we read an email, it doesn't tell us the mood the sender was in. oh well, i still don't hold this against ya. dude, don't worry about those bootlaces!!!!!!!! lol

anyway, i wasn't expecting my original post to open a can of worms. i wasn't trying to disrespect anyone or their posts. i was simply glad to see ron not having that forum.

lets get on with business boys and girls....

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I agree

I agree lets get over this. Everyone needs to stop makeing comparisons from this board to the next. I did because I did not see the diffrence now I do. And that topic is over.

Roy you are right we do have many freedoms in this great country. And one is the freedom of speach. Come on how could you not know your post was going to open a can of worms? YOu were in a way knoking the other board. And you are right there is a time and a place for everything, and maybe your comment about the joke forum was uncalled for.You think? I was always told if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Im done ....................... but i do love peanut butter and marshmello sandwich heated up in the mircowave..... wow you should see that thing swell up ............