New to Trucking


Just got my first account, 12 day tractors/dump trailers and 8 Tri axiles. Im charging 25 a pop but they are taking me too long to clean by the time I remove all the mud and junk that has not been removed by the drivers over time. Im using Zep xt 1299 and touch free soap. The cleaning combo is working real good, but I need to know how far do I need to go to satisfy my 25 dollar charge. :confused:
I get 45 for the day tractors with dump and 35 for the tri axile,the drivers are not supposed to remove the mud,thats why they are paying you.With your price your going to lose money,if thats all they will pay let someone else do them and find you something else,you'll make more money,that is if your not pricing them to low.If you are doing two an hour your doing ok,thats 50 an hour but its just at the I need to make more an hour thingy,depends.

"how far do I need to go to satisfy my 25 dollar charge."=15 to 30 mins.=25 dallor

The drivers where washing their own trucks but are working too many hours now to do it. Thats why im there. I am washing 2 to 3 an hour now but it still is not enough. not to travel set up an travel again. I will ask for more when I finish my initial agreement I just cant afford to do them for that amount. What I would like to know is should I price them for an entire cleaning up and down and all around. should I price them just to make them look good. I drives me nuts to leave a truck with mud or any kind of left over. Thanks for responding.
500 Is not a bad days work even if you have to drive a few miles,I'd make a day out off it and go home when done.Your priced to low tho as to what alot of us are getting.I can do 3 an hour at 45 and they are done weeky and every two weeks.For day cabs with trailer dump your price is not bad if done weekly,on those you should be able to do 4 or 5 but depends if they are washed weekly or not.Don't worry to much about it right now b/c its your first account,you'll get faster in time.I use a worn out 15 degree o-tip to knock the mud off or a x-jet.....keep the mud out of ya eye ha.[/I]
I disagree with bigboy on how to knock the mud off. I use a dual lance wand and reduce the pressure just enough to not get soap, and use that to rinse. I have found that the lower pressure lets the water soak in and make the mud soft. I then go back and hit it with soap, and rinse. I can do about three an hour by myself, and in my area $25 a truck is about as good as you are going to get. Of course, I live in the big city. Just remember to let the soap do the work, and your life will be a lot easier.

I have done it both ways x-jet... and the soaky way both are good ... however I will throw another one out at ya... TURBO..... you gota watch it will throw that mud in your hair..
My mud is harder then your mud,it doesn't soften fast enough for me to soak it,its gumbo.When knocking mud its the only time my double lance comes off the hose.Even have size 4 o-tip to cut though it and work by way up to size 15 to blow it off.If I had to soak my mud to soften it,it would laugh at don't listen to Scott get the job done faster if alot of mud with a o-tip,x-jet,turbo or a 1/8,1/4 hose barb plumded into Q'connects...the hose barb is more of a flush knock b/c of the wt. of the water hitting it more in a force/flush.
I been washing mud for 3 weeks now and needing to go blow some off today but think I'll take off,to for behind to even think about catching up,,I'm tired of washing mud,need to stop long enough to get it out of my eyes plus I'm tired and sore,lol.

Maybe one of these days Scott you'll grow up to be a true truck washer *LOL*.

If I had brains I would be offended. Our mud here is more the sandy silty type that rinses off that way. Farmers hate our dirt. It does build up however, and when it does I do go after it with a more aggressive tip. Usually though on trucks it does not build up that much. BTW, what type of dumps are you cleaning, end dumps or Belly dumps? Also what brand of trailers? Ranco belly dumps have to be the hardest to clean. They have a lattice type construction so that there are all sorts of different surfaces and angles to clean.

Scott Stone

I currently dont wash trucks, but if I saw one of those latticed trailers you are describing (I know what kind u mean)......I would run, not walk, the other way. Couldnt even would be like washing three trailers!
Scott-e I'm sorry you was smart enough to feel offened but glad you had no brains b/c it wasn't meant to offened ya,just throwing some mud at ya to see have big a ball you'd throw back,,,,,mine was just a wittle one and soft at that...........C-ya
Pricing question tractors vs van trailers

I'm a little unclear still about the pricing for fleet washing. Are the tractors priced separately from the van trailers/reefers or are they priced as a unit? For example $20 for tractor and reefer combined or $20 for each. (Simplistic pricing scheme.:confused:

Thanks to all who contribute their time and knowledge to help us newbies.

Lynnie Gregory
Diamond Bright Power Wash.
"We have the POWER to make you Shine"