My first rig..........completed

It looks great Hector. I agree with Chris though about the hose reels being too high off the ground. It looks like you have plenty of room on the back of the trailer for them. Also, I would run a 1/2" bypass hose going from the unloader back to the tank to prevent the pump from overheating if you have to stop and talk on the phone or to a customer while you're working.

Thanks Vince, the reels are not that high, the top deck is about chest high for me but the real reason why I have them there is because I want to buy or build a box behind the buffer tank to store miscellaneous stuff and chems. I actually have the bypass hose in my to do list, but since the first time I was not able to pull from my buffer tank I did not have a rush on it also in my to do list is adding a Hudson float valve. I will try with the recommendations they gave me here to see if I can get it to pull, if I do get it to work I will add the bypass and the Hudson valve for sure.

Thank you,

Any water pumping out of the gun yet we are waiting ...

Hello Kiloman, it actually has pumped water thru the gun……………….BUT just not thru the buffer tank yet. I acutally haven’t had a chance to try it again, but it will be done this weekend for sure.

Thank you,
Looks great. only thing missing is (maybe) some hot water. Go make some $$ and then immediately put that money into marketing and a roof system to make even more money!

Thank you Cambro2, it might be a while but a small hot water unit is in my plans as well as a roof system but only time will tell.I want to a advertise but I have no gotten my business license yet so I don’t have a registered name yet, but I am planning on going to the city tomorrow to start the licensing process.I have a name in mind and I even went to vista print and have made something so that when I am ready all I have to do is order business cards and 2 banners from the trailer. Again thanks for all your support.

Have a great day!


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