Meeting Update....important

Pam & Cujo

New member
Greetings All,

After considering the best interests of all involved, trying to reconcile all of the scheduling conflicts from within and without the industry, and with forward thought to the betterment of the industry at every opportunity we have decided to change the date of the inaugural meeting of the PWNA Georgia Chapter.
Current scheduling conflicts include; Steve Rowlett’s roundtable in South Georgia, the Deck Expo, the IWCA meeting, and Valentines’ Day. These combined makes the month of February very busy indeed and adding yet another meeting serves to only splinter the efforts of all involved.
To avoid pushing folks into making what may be difficult decisions and because we want to create unity, inclusiveness, and get our message out to as many contractors and vendors as possible; we will take a back seat to the month of February and have decided that Saturday, January 29th 2005 is the next best date. The time and place is the same and is (as a reminder) at Ryan’s Steakhouse in Lawrenceville, Ga. at 3:00 pm.

Thanks again to the contractors and vendors who have committed to coming already, and to those of you who were straddling the fence, we hope that we have helped.
Hope to see you there!!
again, no meetings further north huh? difficult to get down to georgia for my husband with 2 kids and me working full time